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Lista com todos os sítios que foram verificados pela TIC Web Acessibilidade. Dentro de cada domínio, há informações detalhadas sobre as páginas coletadas, bem como os erros e avisos de cada uma *.

Endereço Nota Erros Avisos


76.22 6 87
Recomendações Avaliadas
1.1 Respeitar os Padrões Web.


Número Descrição Quantidade Linhas Código Fonte
1.1.3 Presença de CSS(s) in-line 44 795 796 797 797 798 933 938 945 967 967 970 974 978 982 986 990 994 998 1002 1006 1010 1014 1018 1022 1026 1030 1045 1045 1048 1052 1056 1060 1064 1068 1072 1076 1080 1084 1088 1092 1096 1100 1104 1108
1.1.4 Presença de CSS(s) interno 1 8
1.1.6 Presença de javascript(s) interno 3 749 764 780
795 <![CDATA[<div id="barra-brasil" style="background:#7F7F7F; height: 20px; padding:0 0 0 10px;display:block;"> <ul id="menu-barra-temp" style="list-style:none;"> <li style="display:inline; float:left;padding-right:10px; margin-right:10px; border-right:1px solid #EDEDED"><a href="http://brasil.gov.br" style="font-family:sans,sans-serif; text-decoration:none; color:white;">Portal do Governo Brasileiro</a></li> <li><a style="font-family:sans,sans-serif; text-decoration:none; color:white;" href="http://epwg.governoeletronico.gov.br/barra/atualize.html">Atualize sua Barra de Governo</a></li> </ul> </div>]]>
796 <![CDATA[<ul id="menu-barra-temp" style="list-style:none;"> <li style="display:inline; float:left;padding-right:10px; margin-right:10px; border-right:1px solid #EDEDED"><a href="http://brasil.gov.br" style="font-family:sans,sans-serif; text-decoration:none; color:white;">Portal do Governo Brasileiro</a></li> <li><a style="font-family:sans,sans-serif; text-decoration:none; color:white;" href="http://epwg.governoeletronico.gov.br/barra/atualize.html">Atualize sua Barra de Governo</a></li> </ul>]]>
797 <![CDATA[<li style="display:inline; float:left;padding-right:10px; margin-right:10px; border-right:1px solid #EDEDED"><a href="http://brasil.gov.br" style="font-family:sans,sans-serif; text-decoration:none; color:white;">Portal do Governo Brasileiro</a></li>]]>
797 <![CDATA[<a href="http://brasil.gov.br" style="font-family:sans,sans-serif; text-decoration:none; color:white;">Portal do Governo Brasileiro</a>]]>
798 <![CDATA[<a style="font-family:sans,sans-serif; text-decoration:none; color:white;" href="http://epwg.governoeletronico.gov.br/barra/atualize.html">Atualize sua Barra de Governo</a>]]>
933 <![CDATA[<hr class="barra" style="margin: 0px;"/>]]>
938 <![CDATA[<hr class="barra" style="margin: 0px;"/>]]>
945 <![CDATA[<hr class="barra" style="margin: 0px;"/>]]>
967 <![CDATA[<h3 style=""><a href="/contratos/id/contrato/54003650000022020" style="">CONTRATO 540036.50.00002.2020</a></h3>]]>
967 <![CDATA[<a href="/contratos/id/contrato/54003650000022020" style="">CONTRATO 540036.50.00002.2020</a>]]>
970 <![CDATA[<p class="inner" style="font-family: 'Open Sans', Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif !important;margin-bottom: 0px;padding: 8px 8px;">54003650000022020</p>]]>
974 <![CDATA[<p class="inner" style="font-family: 'Open Sans', Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif !important;margin-bottom: 0px;padding: 8px 8px;"><a href='/licitacoes/id/uasg/540036'>540036: CENTRO TECNICO AUDIOVISUAL</a></p>]]>
978 <![CDATA[<p class="inner" style="font-family: 'Open Sans', Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif !important;margin-bottom: 0px;padding: 8px 8px;"><a href='/licitacoes/id/modalidade_licitacao/6'>6: DISPENSA DE LICITAÇÃO </a></p>]]>
982 <![CDATA[<p class="inner" style="font-family: 'Open Sans', Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif !important;margin-bottom: 0px;padding: 8px 8px;">00004/2020</p>]]>
986 <![CDATA[<p class="inner" style="font-family: 'Open Sans', Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif !important;margin-bottom: 0px;padding: 8px 8px;"><a href='/contratos/id/tipo_contrato/50'>50: CONTRATO </a></p>]]>
990 <![CDATA[<p class="inner" style="font-family: 'Open Sans', Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif !important;margin-bottom: 0px;padding: 8px 8px;"><a href='/licitacoes/id/licitacao/54003606000042020'>Licitação 54003606000042020</a></p>]]>
994 <![CDATA[<p class="inner" style="font-family: 'Open Sans', Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif !important;margin-bottom: 0px;padding: 8px 8px;">SISPP</p>]]>
998 <![CDATA[<p class="inner" style="font-family: 'Open Sans', Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif !important;margin-bottom: 0px;padding: 8px 8px;">00002/2020</p>]]>
1002 <![CDATA[<p class="inner" style="font-family: 'Open Sans', Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif !important;margin-bottom: 0px;padding: 8px 8px;">Contratação emergencial com fundamento no Art. 24, IV da Lei 8.666, de 21 de junho de 1993 de empresa especializada na prestação de serviços de forma indireta de vigilância e seg urança patrimonial desarmada, com fornecimento de mão de obra, uniformes, EPIs, equipamentos, conforme quantidade definida e especificações descritas no Termo de Referência.</p>]]>
1006 <![CDATA[<p class="inner" style="font-family: 'Open Sans', Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif !important;margin-bottom: 0px;padding: 8px 8px;">72031009949202071</p>]]>
1010 <![CDATA[<p class="inner" style="font-family: 'Open Sans', Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif !important;margin-bottom: 0px;padding: 8px 8px;"><a href='/fornecedores/id/fornecedor_pj/05234289000127'>Fornecedor 05.234.289/0001-27: BEST VIGILANCIA E SEGURANCA LTDA -</a></p>]]>
1014 <![CDATA[<p class="inner" style="font-family: 'Open Sans', Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif !important;margin-bottom: 0px;padding: 8px 8px;">16/09/2020</p>]]>
1018 <![CDATA[<p class="inner" style="font-family: 'Open Sans', Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif !important;margin-bottom: 0px;padding: 8px 8px;">Art. 24, IV da Lei 8.666, de 1993.</p>]]>
1022 <![CDATA[<p class="inner" style="font-family: 'Open Sans', Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif !important;margin-bottom: 0px;padding: 8px 8px;">17/09/2020</p>]]>
1026 <![CDATA[<p class="inner" style="font-family: 'Open Sans', Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif !important;margin-bottom: 0px;padding: 8px 8px;">17/10/2020</p>]]>
1030 <![CDATA[<p class="inner" style="font-family: 'Open Sans', Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif !important;margin-bottom: 0px;padding: 8px 8px;">R$ 50.865,50</p>]]>
1045 <![CDATA[<h3 style=""><a href="/contratos/id/contrato/54003650000042020" style="">CONTRATO 540036.50.00004.2020</a></h3>]]>
1045 <![CDATA[<a href="/contratos/id/contrato/54003650000042020" style="">CONTRATO 540036.50.00004.2020</a>]]>
1048 <![CDATA[<p class="inner" style="font-family: 'Open Sans', Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif !important;margin-bottom: 0px;padding: 8px 8px;">54003650000042020</p>]]>
1052 <![CDATA[<p class="inner" style="font-family: 'Open Sans', Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif !important;margin-bottom: 0px;padding: 8px 8px;"><a href='/licitacoes/id/uasg/540036'>540036: CENTRO TECNICO AUDIOVISUAL</a></p>]]>
1056 <![CDATA[<p class="inner" style="font-family: 'Open Sans', Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif !important;margin-bottom: 0px;padding: 8px 8px;"><a href='/licitacoes/id/modalidade_licitacao/5'>5: PREGÃO </a></p>]]>
1060 <![CDATA[<p class="inner" style="font-family: 'Open Sans', Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif !important;margin-bottom: 0px;padding: 8px 8px;">00002/2020</p>]]>
1064 <![CDATA[<p class="inner" style="font-family: 'Open Sans', Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif !important;margin-bottom: 0px;padding: 8px 8px;"><a href='/contratos/id/tipo_contrato/50'>50: CONTRATO </a></p>]]>
1068 <![CDATA[<p class="inner" style="font-family: 'Open Sans', Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif !important;margin-bottom: 0px;padding: 8px 8px;"><a href='/licitacoes/id/licitacao/54003605000022020'>Licitação 54003605000022020</a></p>]]>
1072 <![CDATA[<p class="inner" style="font-family: 'Open Sans', Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif !important;margin-bottom: 0px;padding: 8px 8px;">SISPP</p>]]>
1076 <![CDATA[<p class="inner" style="font-family: 'Open Sans', Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif !important;margin-bottom: 0px;padding: 8px 8px;">00004/2020</p>]]>
1080 <![CDATA[<p class="inner" style="font-family: 'Open Sans', Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif !important;margin-bottom: 0px;padding: 8px 8px;">Contratação de serviços continuados de forma indireta de Vigilância e Segurança patri monial desarmada, com disponibilização de mão de obra em regime de dedicação exclusiva, unif ormes, EPIs, equipamentos, que serão prestados nas condições estabelecidas no Termo de Referê ncia, anexo do Edital.</p>]]>
1084 <![CDATA[<p class="inner" style="font-family: 'Open Sans', Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif !important;margin-bottom: 0px;padding: 8px 8px;">71000077240201969</p>]]>
1088 <![CDATA[<p class="inner" style="font-family: 'Open Sans', Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif !important;margin-bottom: 0px;padding: 8px 8px;"><a href='/fornecedores/id/fornecedor_pj/05234289000127'>Fornecedor 05.234.289/0001-27: BEST VIGILANCIA E SEGURANCA LTDA -</a></p>]]>
1092 <![CDATA[<p class="inner" style="font-family: 'Open Sans', Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif !important;margin-bottom: 0px;padding: 8px 8px;">29/09/2020</p>]]>
1096 <![CDATA[<p class="inner" style="font-family: 'Open Sans', Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif !important;margin-bottom: 0px;padding: 8px 8px;">Lei nº 8.666/1993, Lei nº 10. 520/2002, Decreto nº 9.507/2018 e da Instrução Normativa SEGES/MP nº 05/2017.</p>]]>
1100 <![CDATA[<p class="inner" style="font-family: 'Open Sans', Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif !important;margin-bottom: 0px;padding: 8px 8px;">01/10/2020</p>]]>
1104 <![CDATA[<p class="inner" style="font-family: 'Open Sans', Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif !important;margin-bottom: 0px;padding: 8px 8px;">01/10/2021</p>]]>
1108 <![CDATA[<p class="inner" style="font-family: 'Open Sans', Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif !important;margin-bottom: 0px;padding: 8px 8px;">R$ 460.609,56</p>]]>
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