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Recomendações Avaliadas
1.1 Respeitar os Padrões Web.


Número Descrição Quantidade Linhas Código Fonte
1.1.3 Presença de CSS(s) in-line 33 1057 1525 1526 1598 1599 1671 1672 1739 1740 1777 1966 2344 2898 2962 3039 3076 3120 3199 3235 3319 3334 3793 4249 4813 4900 5078 5133 5453 5458 5463 5468 5551 5554
1.1.4 Presença de CSS(s) interno 28 731 2241 2300 2308 2356 2376 2396 2416 2443 2842 2862 2926 2992 3053 3132 3152 3263 3283 3805 3825 4261 4281 4705 4842 4930 4952 5090 5110
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1057 <![CDATA[<span class="text-white" style="font-size:xx-large"><svg class="lexicon-icon lexicon-icon-acessibilidade" focusable="false" id="ewhr" role="presentation"><use xlink:href="https://www.bnb.gov.br/o/bnb-dxp-theme/images/bnb/icons.svg#acessibilidade"/></svg></span>]]>
1525 <![CDATA[<div class="card m-0 background-position-y-center background-position-x-center" style="border:none; background-size:cover; background-image: url(/o/adaptive-media/image/2909253/lg/cdc-convenios-home.png?t=1669057647127)"> <div class="card m-0 p-4 d-flex justify-content-end" style="border:none; min-height: 240px; background: linear-gradient(transparent 30%, rgba(0,0,0,0.6) 70%); background-blend-mode: darken;"> <a href="/credito-pessoal-consignado-convenios" class="stretched-link h5 text-white" aria-label="Saiba mais sobre CDC Convênio"> CDC Convênio </a> <div class="text-white"><p>Crédito pessoal na medida, com vantagens exclusivas pra você</p></div> </div> </div>]]>
1526 <![CDATA[<div class="card m-0 p-4 d-flex justify-content-end" style="border:none; min-height: 240px; background: linear-gradient(transparent 30%, rgba(0,0,0,0.6) 70%); background-blend-mode: darken;"> <a href="/credito-pessoal-consignado-convenios" class="stretched-link h5 text-white" aria-label="Saiba mais sobre CDC Convênio"> CDC Convênio </a> <div class="text-white"><p>Crédito pessoal na medida, com vantagens exclusivas pra você</p></div> </div>]]>
1598 <![CDATA[<div class="card m-0 background-position-y-center background-position-x-center" style="border:none; background-size:cover; background-image: url(/o/adaptive-media/image/2191866/md/mulher-com-oculos-de-realidade-virtual.jpg?t=1660251216072)"> <div class="card m-0 p-4 d-flex justify-content-end" style="border:none; min-height: 240px; background: linear-gradient(transparent 30%, rgba(0,0,0,0.6) 70%); background-blend-mode: darken;"> <a href="https://www.bnb.gov.br/fne-inovacao" class="stretched-link h5 text-white" aria-label="Saiba mais sobre FNE Inovação"> FNE Inovação </a> <div class="text-white"><p>Inove em produtos, serviços e processos da sua empresa.</p></div> </div> </div>]]>
1599 <![CDATA[<div class="card m-0 p-4 d-flex justify-content-end" style="border:none; min-height: 240px; background: linear-gradient(transparent 30%, rgba(0,0,0,0.6) 70%); background-blend-mode: darken;"> <a href="https://www.bnb.gov.br/fne-inovacao" class="stretched-link h5 text-white" aria-label="Saiba mais sobre FNE Inovação"> FNE Inovação </a> <div class="text-white"><p>Inove em produtos, serviços e processos da sua empresa.</p></div> </div>]]>
1671 <![CDATA[<div class="card m-0 background-position-y-center background-position-x-center" style="border:none; background-size:cover; background-image: url(/o/adaptive-media/image/1529191/md/Cart%C3%A3o+BNB+Agro.jpg?t=1652818815671)"> <div class="card m-0 p-4 d-flex justify-content-end" style="border:none; min-height: 240px; background: linear-gradient(transparent 30%, rgba(0,0,0,0.6) 70%); background-blend-mode: darken;"> <a href="/cartao-bnb-agro" class="stretched-link h5 text-white" aria-label="Saiba mais sobre Cartão BNB Agro"> Cartão BNB Agro </a> <div class="text-white"><p>Saiba como obter o financiamento para desenvolver o seu agronegócio</p></div> </div> </div>]]>
1672 <![CDATA[<div class="card m-0 p-4 d-flex justify-content-end" style="border:none; min-height: 240px; background: linear-gradient(transparent 30%, rgba(0,0,0,0.6) 70%); background-blend-mode: darken;"> <a href="/cartao-bnb-agro" class="stretched-link h5 text-white" aria-label="Saiba mais sobre Cartão BNB Agro"> Cartão BNB Agro </a> <div class="text-white"><p>Saiba como obter o financiamento para desenvolver o seu agronegócio</p></div> </div>]]>
1739 <![CDATA[<div class="card m-0 background-position-y-center background-position-x-center" style="border:none; background-size:cover; background-image: url(/o/adaptive-media/image/56619/md/por-do-sol.jpg?t=1623335791470)"> <div class="card m-0 p-4 d-flex justify-content-end" style="border:none; min-height: 240px; background: linear-gradient(transparent 30%, rgba(0,0,0,0.6) 70%); background-blend-mode: darken;"> <a href="/agroamigo-sol" class="stretched-link h5 text-white" aria-label="Saiba mais sobre Agroamigo Sol"> Agroamigo Sol </a> <div class="text-white"><p>Crédito para geração de energia solar no meio rural.</p></div> </div> </div>]]>
1740 <![CDATA[<div class="card m-0 p-4 d-flex justify-content-end" style="border:none; min-height: 240px; background: linear-gradient(transparent 30%, rgba(0,0,0,0.6) 70%); background-blend-mode: darken;"> <a href="/agroamigo-sol" class="stretched-link h5 text-white" aria-label="Saiba mais sobre Agroamigo Sol"> Agroamigo Sol </a> <div class="text-white"><p>Crédito para geração de energia solar no meio rural.</p></div> </div>]]>
1777 <![CDATA[<ul class="nav" style="max-height: 344px" role="navigation"> <li class="nav-item " role="presentation"> <a class="nav-link text-secondary-d1" href="https://www.bnb.gov.br/web/guest/institucional"> <svg class="lexicon-icon lexicon-icon-bnb-simbolo mr-2" focusable="false" id="frqe" role="presentation"><use xlink:href="https://www.bnb.gov.br/o/bnb-dxp-theme/images/bnb/icons.svg#bnb-simbolo"/></svg> Institucional </a> </li> <li class="nav-item " role="presentation"> <a class="nav-link text-secondary-d1" href="https://www.bnb.gov.br/web/guest/desenvolvimento-regional"> <svg class="lexicon-icon lexicon-icon-trajeto mr-2" focusable="false" id="efrs" role="presentation"><use xlink:href="https://www.bnb.gov.br/o/bnb-dxp-theme/images/bnb/icons.svg#trajeto"/></svg> Desenvolvimento Regional </a> </li> <li class="nav-item " role="presentation"> <a class="nav-link text-secondary-d1" href="https://www.bnb.gov.br/web/guest/sustentabilidade"> <svg class="lexicon-icon lexicon-icon-responsabilidade-ambiental mr-2" focusable="false" id="uazw" role="presentation"><use xlink:href="https://www.bnb.gov.br/o/bnb-dxp-theme/images/bnb/icons.svg#responsabilidade-ambiental"/></svg> Sustentabilidade </a> </li> <li class="nav-item " role="presentation"> <a class="nav-link text-secondary-d1" href="https://www.bnb.gov.br/web/guest/cultura"> <svg class="lexicon-icon lexicon-icon-mascaras-cultura mr-2" focusable="false" id="zslv" role="presentation"><use xlink:href="https://www.bnb.gov.br/o/bnb-dxp-theme/images/bnb/icons.svg#mascaras-cultura"/></svg> Cultura </a> </li> <li class="nav-item " role="presentation"> <a class="nav-link text-secondary-d1" href="https://www.bnb.gov.br/web/guest/etene"> <svg class="lexicon-icon lexicon-icon-prancheta-dados mr-2" focusable="false" id="nsou" role="presentation"><use xlink:href="https://www.bnb.gov.br/o/bnb-dxp-theme/images/bnb/icons.svg#prancheta-dados"/></svg> Etene </a> </li> <li class="nav-item " role="presentation"> <a 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id="nxaf" role="presentation"><use xlink:href="https://www.bnb.gov.br/o/bnb-dxp-theme/images/bnb/icons.svg#bnb-simbolo"/></svg> Tudo Sobre o Banco </a> </li> </ul>]]>
1966 <![CDATA[<section class="bg-" style=""> <div class="container px-3 py-5"> <div class="row "> <div class="col-md-12"> <div id="fragment-0-iofy" > <div class="portlet-boundary portlet-boundary_com_liferay_site_navigation_breadcrumb_web_portlet_SiteNavigationBreadcrumbPortlet_ portlet-static portlet-static-end portlet-breadcrumb " id="p_p_id_com_liferay_site_navigation_breadcrumb_web_portlet_SiteNavigationBreadcrumbPortlet_INSTANCE_bdBSZcEPvDWD_"> <span id="p_com_liferay_site_navigation_breadcrumb_web_portlet_SiteNavigationBreadcrumbPortlet_INSTANCE_bdBSZcEPvDWD"></span> <section class="portlet" id="portlet_com_liferay_site_navigation_breadcrumb_web_portlet_SiteNavigationBreadcrumbPortlet_INSTANCE_bdBSZcEPvDWD"> <div class="portlet-content"> <div class="autofit-float autofit-row portlet-header mb-0"> </div> <div class=" portlet-content-container"> <div class="portlet-body"> <nav aria-label="Caminho de Navegação" id="_com_liferay_site_navigation_breadcrumb_web_portlet_SiteNavigationBreadcrumbPortlet_INSTANCE_bdBSZcEPvDWD_breadcrumbs-defaultScreen"> <style> .isDisabled { color: darkslategray !important; pointer-events: none; } .confIcon{ height:0.7em; margin-top:0; } </style> <a class="breadcrumb-last-item" href="https://www.bnb.gov.br/web/guest/acesso-a-informacao">Acesso à Informação</a> <svg class="lexicon-icon lexicon-icon-caret-right-l" focusable="false" id="ibir" role="presentation"><use xlink:href="https://www.bnb.gov.br/o/bnb-dxp-theme/images/clay/icons.svg#caret-right-l" /></svg> <span class="breadcrumb-item">Receitas e Despesas</span> </nav> </div> </div> </div> </section> </div> </div> <div id="fragment-1170299-crpl" > <div class="fragment_1170299"> <h1 class="text-primary mt-4 mb-3"> Receitas e Despesas </h1> </div></div><style>.fragment_1170299 { }</style> <div id="fragment-0-vinp" > <div class="component-paragraph pb-3 text-left text-break"> <div><p class="lead">Nesta seção, são divulgadas informações sobre a previsão e arrecadação de receita pública e execução orçamentária e financeira detalhada do Banco do Nordeste.</p> </div> </div></div><style>.component-paragraph img { max-width: 100%; }</style><script>(function() {var fragmentElement = document.querySelector('#fragment-0-vinp'); var configuration = {"textAlign":"left","bottomSpacing":"3","textColor":{"cssClass":"","rgbValue":""}};/** * Copyright (c) 2000-present Liferay, Inc. All rights reserved. * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under * the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free * Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) * any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS * FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more * details. */;}());</script> </div> </div> </div> </section>]]>
2344 <![CDATA[<section class="bg-light" style=""> <div class="container px-3 py-5"> <div class="row "> <div class="col-md-12"> <div id="fragment-0-jdyz" > <h2 class="component-heading mb-0 pb-3 text-left text-break "> <span>Receitas</span> </h2></div><style>.fragment-heading-text-colored a { color: inherit; }</style><script>(function() {var fragmentElement = document.querySelector('#fragment-0-jdyz'); var configuration = {"textAlign":"left","bottomSpacing":"3","headingLevel":"h2","textColor":{"cssClass":"","rgbValue":""}};/** * Copyright (c) 2000-present Liferay, Inc. All rights reserved. * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under * the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free * Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) * any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS * FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more * details. */;}());</script> <div id="fragment-0-kyus" > <div class="component-paragraph pb-3 text-left text-break"> <div>São consideradas receitas os recursos financeiros obtidos e que servem para custear as despesas e os investimentos.</div> </div></div><style>.component-paragraph img { max-width: 100%; }</style><script>(function() {var fragmentElement = document.querySelector('#fragment-0-kyus'); var configuration = {"textAlign":"left","bottomSpacing":"3","textColor":{"cssClass":"","rgbValue":""}};/** * Copyright (c) 2000-present Liferay, Inc. All rights reserved. * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under * the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free * Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) * any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS * FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more * details. */;}());</script> <div id="fragment-0-kccq" > <h3 class="component-heading mb-0 pb-3 text-left text-break "> <span>Transferências do Tesouro Nacional</span> </h3></div><style>.fragment-heading-text-colored a { color: inherit; }</style><script>(function() {var fragmentElement = document.querySelector('#fragment-0-kccq'); var configuration = {"textAlign":"left","bottomSpacing":"3","headingLevel":"h3","textColor":{"cssClass":"","rgbValue":""}};/** * Copyright (c) 2000-present Liferay, Inc. All rights reserved. * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under * the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free * Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) * any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS * FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more * details. */;}());</script> <div id="fragment-0-jxvx" > <div class="component-paragraph pb-3 text-left text-break"> <div>As Transferências da União para o FNE representam a admissão de recursos para compor o Fundo Constitucional de Financiamento do Nordeste (FNE), para financiamento do setor produtivo da Região. Tais recursos não podem ser caracterizados como receitas.</div> </div></div><style>.component-paragraph img { max-width: 100%; }</style><script>(function() {var fragmentElement = document.querySelector('#fragment-0-jxvx'); var configuration = {"textAlign":"left","bottomSpacing":"3","textColor":{"cssClass":"","rgbValue":""}};/** * Copyright (c) 2000-present Liferay, Inc. All rights reserved. * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under * the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free * Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) * any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS * FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more * details. */;}());</script> <div id="fragment-2316268-zwke" > <script id="data_zwke" type="application/json">{"title":"Transferências da União para FNE","type":0,"typeSettings":{"anyClassTypeDLFileEntryAssetRendererFactory":"47053","orderByColumn1":"title"}}</script> <span class="loading-animation"></span> <div class="documents-list"></div> </div><style>.page-item button { border-radius: 2rem !important; }</style><script>(function() {var fragmentElement = document.querySelector('#fragment-2316268-zwke'); var configuration = {"contentSetId":"2707191","showDateConversions":false,"showModifiedDate":true,"showRefDate":false,"textAlign":"left","pageSize":"50","showYear":false,"groupBy":"noGroup","textColor":{"cssClass":"","rgbValue":""},"useTitle":false,"usePagination":false,"bottomSpacing":"3","labelForYear":"Ocorrido em","useContentSetTitle":true,"labelForRefDate":"Referente a","headingLevel":"h2","showCreateDate":true,"activeDebug":false};const editMode = document.body.classList.contains('has-edit-mode-menu') const apiURL = `${Liferay.ThemeDisplay.getPortalURL()}/o/headless-delivery` const contentSetsEndPoint = `/v1.0/content-sets/${configuration.contentSetId}/content-set-elements` const restrictFields = 'title,content.contentUrl,content.dateCreated,content.dateModified,content.documentType,content.fileExtension,content.sizeInBytes' const params = { fields: restrictFields, 'pageSize': configuration.pageSize, 'page': 1 } const pathThemeImages = Liferay.ThemeDisplay.getPathThemeImages() const spritemapBNB = `${pathThemeImages}/bnb/icons.svg` const spritemapClay = `${pathThemeImages}/clay/icons.svg` const scriptAssetListJson = fragmentElement.querySelector(`script#data_${fragmentElement.id.slice(-4)}`) const assetListObject = (scriptAssetListJson) ? JSON.parse(scriptAssetListJson.text) : null const documentsList = fragmentElement.querySelector('.documents-list') const loadingAnimation = fragmentElement.querySelector('.loading-animation') const orderByYearAttrs = ['modifiedDate', 'createDate', 'publishDate', 'ddm__keyword__47047__DataReferência', 'ddm__keyword__47054__Ano'] const orderByMonthYearAttrs = ['modifiedDate', 'createDate', 'publishDate', 'ddm__keyword__47047__DataReferência'] const orderByDayAttrs = ['modifiedDate', 'createDate', 'publishDate', 'ddm__keyword__47047__DataReferência'] const fileEntryTypes = { 'docOrdin': 47046, 'docAnual': 47053 } const validity = (assetListObject) ? validateConfiguration() : null validity && init() // funcao de inicialização function init() { fragmentElement.classList.add('mb-4') editMode && reportConstraints() fetchDocumentsPage() } // constrói um objeto para verificar status de validade de algumas configurações function validateConfiguration() { let orderByColumn = assetListObject.typeSettings.orderByColumn1 let orderByColumnName = getOrderByFieldName(orderByColumn) let canGroupByYear = orderByYearAttrs.includes(orderByColumn) let canGroupByMonthYear = orderByMonthYearAttrs.includes(orderByColumn) let canGroupByDay = orderByDayAttrs.includes(orderByColumn) let canShowRefDate = (assetListObject.typeSettings.anyClassTypeDLFileEntryAssetRendererFactory == fileEntryTypes.docOrdin) let canShowYear = (assetListObject.typeSettings.anyClassTypeDLFileEntryAssetRendererFactory == fileEntryTypes.docAnual) let validityState = { 'canGroupByYear': { 'state': canGroupByYear, 'msg' : canGroupByYear ? '' : `A coleção não pode ser agrupada por ano, pois está ordenada por ${orderByColumnName}.` }, 'canGroupByMonthYear': { 'state': canGroupByMonthYear, 'msg' : canGroupByMonthYear ? '' : `A coleção não pode ser agrupada por mês e ano, pois está ordenada por ${orderByColumnName}.` }, 'canGroupByDay': { 'state': canGroupByDay, 'msg' : canGroupByDay ? '' : `A coleção não pode ser agrupada por dia, pois está ordenada por ${orderByColumnName}.` }, 'canShowRefDate': { 'state': canShowRefDate, 'msg' : canShowRefDate ? '' : 'Não é possível mostrar o campo Data de Referência. Esse metadado existe apenas em coleções de Documentos Ordinários.' }, 'canShowYear': { 'state': canShowYear, 'msg' : canShowYear ? '' : 'Não é possível mostrar o campo Ano. Esse metadado existe apenas em coleções de Documentos Anuais.' } } return validityState } // alerta sobre restrições na configuração function reportConstraints() { cleanAlerts() // alerta sobre restrições let validationMessages = [] configuration.groupBy == 'groupByYear' && !validity.canGroupByYear.state && validationMessages.push(validity.canGroupByYear.msg) configuration.groupBy == 'groupByMonthYear' && !validity.canGroupByMonthYear.state && validationMessages.push(validity.canGroupByMonthYear.msg) configuration.groupBy == 'groupByDay' && !validity.canGroupByDay.state && validationMessages.push(validity.canGroupByDay.msg) configuration.showRefDate && !validity.canShowRefDate.state && validationMessages.push(validity.canShowRefDate.msg) configuration.showYear && !validity.canShowYear.state && validationMessages.push(validity.canShowYear.msg) validationMessages.length > 0 && displayAlert('danger', 'Configuração inválida', validationMessages.join('<br/>'), documentsList, 'beforebegin') // debug if (configuration.activeDebug) { console.clear() console.log('Propriedades da Coleção:') console.log(assetListObject) console.log('Configuração do Fragmento:') console.log(configuration) console.log('Validade da Configuração:') console.log(validity) } } // principal funcao para pegar os dados function fetchDocumentsPage(page) { params.page = (page) ? page : params.page let request = Liferay.Util.addParams(params, apiURL+contentSetsEndPoint) fetch( request, { method: 'GET', headers: { 'Content-Type': 'application/json' } } ).then(response => { if (response.ok) { return response.json() } }).then(documents => { handleDocuments(documents) if (editMode && configuration.activeDebug) { console.log(`Retorno da requisição (page ${params.page}):`) console.log(documents) } }) } // manipula dados retornados da coleção function handleDocuments(documents) { loadingAnimation && loadingAnimation.remove() if (documents.items.length > 0) { switch (configuration.groupBy) { case 'noGroup': renderDocumentsList(documents) break case 'groupByYear': (validity.canGroupByYear.state) ? renderDocumentsListByGroup(documents) : renderDocumentsList(documents) break case 'groupByMonthYear': (validity.canGroupByMonthYear.state) ? renderDocumentsListByGroup(documents) : renderDocumentsList(documents) break case 'groupByDay': (validity.canGroupByDay.state) ? renderDocumentsListByGroup(documents) : renderDocumentsList(documents) break } configuration.usePagination && renderPaginationBar(documents.page, documents.lastPage, documents.totalCount) } else { displayAlert('info', 'Aviso', 'Não foram encontrados documentos', documentsList, 'afterbegin') } } // renderiza lista agrupada function renderDocumentsListByGroup(documents) { let lastListGroup = documentsList.querySelector('.list-group:last-child') let currentGroup = (lastListGroup) ? lastListGroup.dataset.group : 0 configuration.activeDebug && configuration.showDateConversions && editMode && console.log(`Extração do grupo a partir do campo ${getOrderByFieldName(assetListObject.typeSettings.orderByColumn1)}:`) documents.items.forEach(doc => { let group = getDocumentGroup(doc) if (currentGroup != group) { let listGroup = document.createElement('ul') listGroup.classList.add('list-group') listGroup.dataset.group = group listGroup.setAttribute('aria-label', `${assetListObject.title} de ${group}`) lastListGroup = documentsList.insertAdjacentElement('beforeend', listGroup) lastListGroup.insertAdjacentHTML('afterbegin', renderListGroupHeader(group)) currentGroup = group } lastListGroup.insertAdjacentHTML('beforeend', renderListGroupItem(doc)) }) } // extrai e retorna o dado (string) utilizado como agrupador (dia, mês ou ano) a partir do campo utilizado como primeira ordenação da coleção function getDocumentGroup(document) { let fieldData let group let dateField let options let test let orderByColumn = assetListObject.typeSettings.orderByColumn1 switch (orderByColumn) { case 'ddm__keyword__47047__DataReferência': fieldData = document.content.documentType.contentFields[0].contentFieldValue.data break case 'ddm__keyword__47054__Ano': fieldData = document.content.documentType.contentFields[0].contentFieldValue.data break case 'modifiedDate': fieldData = document.content.dateModified break case 'createDate': fieldData = document.content.dateCreated break case 'publishDate': // verificar esse caso por que não há uma campo data de publicação em coleções de documentos fieldData = document.content.dateCreated break } dateField = new Date(fieldData) switch (configuration.groupBy) { case 'groupByYear': test = (orderByColumn == 'ddm__keyword__47047__DataReferência' || orderByColumn == 'ddm__keyword__47054__Ano') group = test ? dateField.getUTCFullYear() : dateField.getFullYear() break case 'groupByMonthYear': test = (orderByColumn == 'ddm__keyword__47047__DataReferência') options = test ? {month:'long', year:'numeric', timeZone: 'UTC'} : { month:'long', year:'numeric' } group = dateField.toLocaleDateString('pt-BR', options) group = group.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + group.slice(1) break case 'groupByDay': test = (orderByColumn == 'ddm__keyword__47047__DataReferência') options = test ? {timeZone: 'UTC'} : {} group = dateField.toLocaleDateString('pt-BR', options) break } configuration.activeDebug && configuration.showDateConversions && editMode && console.log(`${fieldData} --> ${group}`) return group } // renderiza lista comum function renderDocumentsList(documents) { let listGroup = getNodeElement(documentsList, 'afterbegin', 'ul', '.list-group') listGroup.setAttribute('aria-label', assetListObject.title) documents.items.forEach(doc => { listGroup.insertAdjacentHTML('beforeend', renderListGroupItem(doc)) }) } // renderiza cabeçalho da lista function renderListGroupHeader(title) { let listHeaderHTML = ` <li class="list-group-header"> <span class="list-group-header-title"><big>${title}</big></span> </li> ` return listHeaderHTML } // renderiza um item da lista function renderListGroupItem(document) { let dateCreated = (configuration.showCreateDate) ? new Date(document.content.dateCreated) : null let dateCreatedHTML = (dateCreated) ? ` <div class="d-flex flex-row flex-lg-column text-lg-right ml-lg-3 mr-md-2 mr-lg-0"> <span class="small font-weight-bold text-nowrap mr-1 mr-lg-0">Publicado em</span> <span class="small">${dateCreated.toLocaleDateString('pt-BR')}</span> </div>` : '' let dateModified = (configuration.showModifiedDate) ? new Date(document.content.dateModified) : null let dateModifiedHTML = (dateModified) ? ` <div class="d-flex flex-row flex-lg-column text-lg-right ml-lg-3 mr-md-2 mr-lg-0"> <span class="small font-weight-bold text-nowrap mr-1 mr-lg-0">Atualizado em</span> <span class="small">${dateModified.toLocaleDateString('pt-BR')}</span> </div>` : '' let refDate = (configuration.showRefDate && validity.canShowRefDate.state) ? new Date(document.content.documentType.contentFields[0].contentFieldValue.data) : null let refDateHTML = (refDate) ? ` <div class="d-flex flex-row flex-lg-column text-lg-right ml-lg-3 mr-md-2 mr-lg-0"> <span class="small font-weight-bold text-nowrap mr-1 mr-lg-0">${configuration.labelForRefDate}</span> <span class="small">${refDate.toLocaleDateString('pt-BR', {timeZone: 'UTC'})}</span> </div>` : '' let year = (configuration.showYear && validity.canShowYear.state) ? document.content.documentType.contentFields[0].contentFieldValue.data : null let yearHTML = (year) ? ` <div class="d-flex flex-row flex-lg-column text-lg-right ml-lg-3 mr-md-2 mr-lg-0"> <span class="small font-weight-bold text-nowrap mr-1 mr-lg-0">${configuration.labelForYear}</span> <span class="small">${year}</span> </div>` : '' let hasMetadatas = (year || refDate || dateCreated || dateModified) let metadataHTML = (hasMetadatas) ? ` <div class="d-flex flex-column flex-md-row"> ${yearHTML} ${refDateHTML} ${dateCreatedHTML} ${dateModifiedHTML} </div>` : '' let listItemHTML = ` <li class="list-group-item list-group-item-flex align-items-center"> <div class="autofit-col"> <svg class="lexicon-icon text-tertiary lexicon-icon-lg" focusable="false" role="presentation" viewBox="0 0 512 512"> <use xlink:href="${spritemapBNB}#arquivo-${document.content.fileExtension}" /> </svg> </div> <div class="autofit-col autofit-col-expand"> <div class="d-flex flex-column flex-lg-row justify-content-start justify-content-lg-between"> <div class="d-flex flex-column"> <span class="list-group-title"> <a href="${document.content.contentUrl}">${document.title}</a> </span> <span class="list-group-subtitle text-uppercase small"> ${document.content.fileExtension}, ${Liferay.Util.formatStorage(document.content.sizeInBytes, {addSpaceBeforeSuffix: true})} </span> </div> ${metadataHTML} </div> </div> </li> ` return listItemHTML } // renderiza paginação function renderPaginationBar(page, lastPage, totalCount) { let paginationBar = getNodeElement(fragmentElement, 'beforeend', 'div', '.pagination-bar') let lastIndex = (page === lastPage) ? totalCount : configuration.pageSize*page let nDocuments = (page+1 === lastPage) ? totalCount - configuration.pageSize*page : configuration.pageSize paginationBar.classList.add('justify-content-center', 'justify-content-lg-between') let textColor = (configuration.textColor.cssClass) ? `text-${configuration.textColor.cssClass}` : '' paginationBar.innerHTML = ` <div class="pagination-results mr-0 ${textColor}">Exibindo 1 a ${lastIndex} de ${totalCount} documentos.</div> <ul class="pagination"> <li class="page-item"> <button class="btn btn-unstyled page-link" type="button"> Exibir mais ${nDocuments} documentos ${renderIcon('angle-down', spritemapClay, 'ml-2')} </button> </li> </ul> ` let showMoreButton = paginationBar.querySelector('button.page-link') if (page !== lastPage) { showMoreButton.addEventListener('click', e => { showMoreButton.querySelector('svg').remove() let loadAnimation = getNodeElement(showMoreButton, 'beforeend', 'span', '.loading-animation') loadAnimation.classList.add('loading-animation-sm', 'ml-2') fetchDocumentsPage(page+1) }) } else { showMoreButton.remove() } } // imprime um mensagem de alerta function displayAlert(style, title, msg, parentNode, position) { let styleIcons = { 'danger': 'exclamation-full', 'success': 'check-circle-full', 'info': 'info-circle', 'warning': 'warning-full' } let html = ` <div class="alert p-4 alert-${style}" role="alert"> <span class="alert-indicator"> ${renderIcon(styleIcons[style], spritemapClay, '')} </span> <strong>${title}:</strong> <p class="mt-2 mb-0">${msg}</p> </div> ` parentNode.insertAdjacentHTML(position, html) } // limpa mensagens de alerta function cleanAlerts() { let alerts = fragmentElement.querySelectorAll('.alert') alerts.forEach(alert => alert.remove()) } // imprime icone SGV function renderIcon(icon, spritemap, cssClasses) { return ` <svg class="lexicon-icon lexicon-icon-${icon} ${cssClasses}" focusable="false" role="presentation"> <use href="${spritemap}#${icon}"></use> </svg> ` } // retorna/cria um elemento html de uma classe css // ascendantNode é um nó ascendente // position é uma string 'beforeend', 'afterbegin' + // elementType uma string 'ul', 'div' etc // cssClass é uma classe css function getNodeElement(ascendantNode, position, elementType, cssClass) { let nodeElement if (ascendantNode.querySelector(cssClass)) { nodeElement = ascendantNode.querySelector(cssClass) } else { nodeElement = document.createElement(elementType) nodeElement = ascendantNode.insertAdjacentElement(position, nodeElement) nodeElement.classList.add(cssClass.slice(1)) } return nodeElement } // retorna nome amigável do campo usado como 1ª ordenação function getOrderByFieldName(orderByColumn) { let regExp = /^ddm__keyword__\d+__(.+)/ let matchExp = regExp.exec(orderByColumn) return (matchExp) ? matchExp[1] : Liferay.Language.get(orderByColumn) };}());</script> <div id="fragment-0-krmq" > <div class="py-3"></div></div><script>(function() {var fragmentElement = document.querySelector('#fragment-0-krmq'); var configuration = {"height":"py-3"};/** * Copyright (c) 2000-present Liferay, Inc. 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See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more * details. */;}());</script> <div id="fragment-0-pwxr" > <h3 class="component-heading mb-0 pb-3 text-left text-break "> <span>Renúncia de Receitas</span> </h3></div><style>.fragment-heading-text-colored a { color: inherit; }</style><script>(function() {var fragmentElement = document.querySelector('#fragment-0-pwxr'); var configuration = {"textAlign":"left","bottomSpacing":"3","headingLevel":"h3","textColor":{"cssClass":"","rgbValue":""}};/** * Copyright (c) 2000-present Liferay, Inc. 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See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more * details. */;}());</script> <div id="fragment-0-qhbz" > <div class="component-paragraph pb-3 text-left text-break"> <div>O Banco do Nordeste não desenvolve ações, programas, projetos e atividades finalísticas que resultem em renúncia de receita, nos moldes do artigo 14 da <a href="http://www.planalto.gov.br/ccivil_03/leis/lcp/lcp101.htm" target="_blank">Lei Complementar nº 101/2000</a>.</div> </div></div><style>.component-paragraph img { max-width: 100%; }</style><script>(function() {var fragmentElement = document.querySelector('#fragment-0-qhbz'); var configuration = {"textAlign":"left","bottomSpacing":"3","textColor":{"cssClass":"","rgbValue":""}};/** * Copyright (c) 2000-present Liferay, Inc. 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2962 <![CDATA[<section class="bg-primary-d1" style=""> <div class="container px-3 py-0"> <div class="row "> <div class="col-md-6"> <div id="fragment-0-xymb" > <h3 class="component-heading mb-0 pb-3 text-white text-left text-break fragment-heading-text-colored"> <span>Execução de Despesas</span> </h3></div><script>(function() {var fragmentElement = document.querySelector('#fragment-0-xymb'); var configuration = {"textAlign":"left","bottomSpacing":"3","headingLevel":"h3","textColor":{"cssClass":"white","rgbValue":"rgb(230, 230, 230)"}};/** * Copyright (c) 2000-present Liferay, Inc. All rights reserved. * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under * the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free * Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) * any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS * FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more * details. */;}());</script> <div id="fragment-0-fqei" > <div class="component-paragraph pb-3 text-white text-left text-break"> <div>Quadro de execução de despesas contendo: despesas da intermediação financeira, despesas de pessoal, outras despesas administrativas, despesas tributárias, outras despesas operacionais, provisão para imposto de renda, provisão para contribuição social sem lucro líquido, provisão para participações estatutárias no lucro.</div> </div></div><style>.component-paragraph img { max-width: 100%; }</style><script>(function() {var fragmentElement = document.querySelector('#fragment-0-fqei'); var configuration = {"textAlign":"left","bottomSpacing":"3","textColor":{"cssClass":"white","rgbValue":"rgb(230, 230, 230)"}};/** * Copyright (c) 2000-present Liferay, Inc. All rights reserved. * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under * the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free * Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) * any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS * FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more * details. */;}());</script> </div> <div class="col-md-6"> <div id="fragment-0-lweo" > <div class="py-3"></div></div><script>(function() {var fragmentElement = document.querySelector('#fragment-0-lweo'); var configuration = {"height":"py-3"};/** * Copyright (c) 2000-present Liferay, Inc. All rights reserved. * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under * the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free * Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) * any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS * FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more * details. */;}());</script> <div id="fragment-47410-vnrw" > <div class="card card-horizontal shadow"> <div class="card-body"> <div class="card-row"> <div class="autofit-col align-self-start" style="font-size:4.5rem"> <svg class="lexicon-icon lexicon-icon-arquivo-ods text-tertiary mt-1" focusable="false" id="dzkv" role="presentation"><use xlink:href="https://www.bnb.gov.br/o/bnb-dxp-theme/images/bnb/icons.svg#arquivo-ods" /></svg> </div> <div class="autofit-col autofit-col-expand autofit-col-gutters"> <div class="card-title"><div class="h6"><a href="https://www.bnb.gov.br/documents/45743/0/Quadro+de+Despesas.ods/3508ac74-96c5-1715-9a15-8f509f54995a?version=20.0&amp;t=1695819303625&amp;download=true" class="stretched-link">Quadro de Despesas.ods</a></div></div> <div class="card-subtitle"> <span class="font-weight-bold">Atualizado em: </span>27/09/2023 </div> <div class="card-detail"> <span class="label label-unstyled text-uppercase" id="tnhd"><span class="label-item label-item-expand">ods</span></span><span class="label label-unstyled text-uppercase" id="sxji"><span class="label-item label-item-expand">322 KB</span></span> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div></div><style>.fragment_136960 { }</style> </div> </div> </div> </section>]]>
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'' : `A coleção não pode ser agrupada por ano, pois está ordenada por ${orderByColumnName}.` }, 'canGroupByMonthYear': { 'state': canGroupByMonthYear, 'msg' : canGroupByMonthYear ? '' : `A coleção não pode ser agrupada por mês e ano, pois está ordenada por ${orderByColumnName}.` }, 'canGroupByDay': { 'state': canGroupByDay, 'msg' : canGroupByDay ? '' : `A coleção não pode ser agrupada por dia, pois está ordenada por ${orderByColumnName}.` }, 'canShowRefDate': { 'state': canShowRefDate, 'msg' : canShowRefDate ? '' : 'Não é possível mostrar o campo Data de Referência. Esse metadado existe apenas em coleções de Documentos Ordinários.' }, 'canShowYear': { 'state': canShowYear, 'msg' : canShowYear ? '' : 'Não é possível mostrar o campo Ano. Esse metadado existe apenas em coleções de Documentos Anuais.' } } return validityState } // alerta sobre restrições na configuração function reportConstraints() { cleanAlerts() // alerta sobre restrições let validationMessages = [] configuration.groupBy == 'groupByYear' && !validity.canGroupByYear.state && validationMessages.push(validity.canGroupByYear.msg) configuration.groupBy == 'groupByMonthYear' && !validity.canGroupByMonthYear.state && validationMessages.push(validity.canGroupByMonthYear.msg) configuration.groupBy == 'groupByDay' && !validity.canGroupByDay.state && validationMessages.push(validity.canGroupByDay.msg) configuration.showRefDate && !validity.canShowRefDate.state && validationMessages.push(validity.canShowRefDate.msg) configuration.showYear && !validity.canShowYear.state && validationMessages.push(validity.canShowYear.msg) validationMessages.length > 0 && displayAlert('danger', 'Configuração inválida', validationMessages.join('<br/>'), documentsList, 'beforebegin') // debug if (configuration.activeDebug) { console.clear() console.log('Propriedades da Coleção:') console.log(assetListObject) console.log('Configuração do Fragmento:') console.log(configuration) console.log('Validade da Configuração:') console.log(validity) } } // principal funcao para pegar os dados function fetchDocumentsPage(page) { params.page = (page) ? 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lastListGroup.dataset.group : 0 configuration.activeDebug && configuration.showDateConversions && editMode && console.log(`Extração do grupo a partir do campo ${getOrderByFieldName(assetListObject.typeSettings.orderByColumn1)}:`) documents.items.forEach(doc => { let group = getDocumentGroup(doc) if (currentGroup != group) { let listGroup = document.createElement('ul') listGroup.classList.add('list-group') listGroup.dataset.group = group listGroup.setAttribute('aria-label', `${assetListObject.title} de ${group}`) lastListGroup = documentsList.insertAdjacentElement('beforeend', listGroup) lastListGroup.insertAdjacentHTML('afterbegin', renderListGroupHeader(group)) currentGroup = group } lastListGroup.insertAdjacentHTML('beforeend', renderListGroupItem(doc)) }) } // extrai e retorna o dado (string) utilizado como agrupador (dia, mês ou ano) a partir do campo utilizado como primeira ordenação da coleção function getDocumentGroup(document) { let fieldData let group let dateField let options let test let orderByColumn = assetListObject.typeSettings.orderByColumn1 switch (orderByColumn) { case 'ddm__keyword__47047__DataReferência': fieldData = document.content.documentType.contentFields[0].contentFieldValue.data break case 'ddm__keyword__47054__Ano': fieldData = document.content.documentType.contentFields[0].contentFieldValue.data break case 'modifiedDate': fieldData = document.content.dateModified break case 'createDate': fieldData = document.content.dateCreated break case 'publishDate': // verificar esse caso por que não há uma campo data de publicação em coleções de documentos fieldData = document.content.dateCreated break } dateField = new Date(fieldData) switch (configuration.groupBy) { case 'groupByYear': test = (orderByColumn == 'ddm__keyword__47047__DataReferência' || orderByColumn == 'ddm__keyword__47054__Ano') group = test ? dateField.getUTCFullYear() : dateField.getFullYear() break case 'groupByMonthYear': test = (orderByColumn == 'ddm__keyword__47047__DataReferência') options = test ? {month:'long', year:'numeric', timeZone: 'UTC'} : { month:'long', year:'numeric' } group = dateField.toLocaleDateString('pt-BR', options) group = group.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + group.slice(1) break case 'groupByDay': test = (orderByColumn == 'ddm__keyword__47047__DataReferência') options = test ? {timeZone: 'UTC'} : {} group = dateField.toLocaleDateString('pt-BR', options) break } configuration.activeDebug && configuration.showDateConversions && editMode && console.log(`${fieldData} --> ${group}`) return group } // renderiza lista comum function renderDocumentsList(documents) { let listGroup = getNodeElement(documentsList, 'afterbegin', 'ul', '.list-group') listGroup.setAttribute('aria-label', assetListObject.title) documents.items.forEach(doc => { listGroup.insertAdjacentHTML('beforeend', renderListGroupItem(doc)) }) } // renderiza cabeçalho da lista function renderListGroupHeader(title) { let listHeaderHTML = ` <li class="list-group-header"> <span class="list-group-header-title"><big>${title}</big></span> </li> ` return listHeaderHTML } // renderiza um item da lista function renderListGroupItem(document) { let dateCreated = (configuration.showCreateDate) ? 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3793 <![CDATA[<section class="bg-primary-d1" style=""> <div class="container px-3 py-0"> <div class="row "> <div class="col-md-12"> <div id="fragment-0-xwzf" > <h3 class="component-heading mb-0 pb-3 text-white text-left text-break fragment-heading-text-colored"> <span>Remuneração de Empregados</span> </h3></div><style>.fragment-heading-text-colored a { color: inherit; }</style><script>(function() {var fragmentElement = document.querySelector('#fragment-0-xwzf'); var configuration = {"textAlign":"left","bottomSpacing":"3","headingLevel":"h3","textColor":{"cssClass":"white","rgbValue":"rgb(230, 230, 230)"}};/** * Copyright (c) 2000-present Liferay, Inc. 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See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more * details. */;}());</script> <div id="fragment-0-cgvt" > <div class="component-paragraph pb-3 text-white text-left text-break"> <div>Informações sobre a remuneração dos Empregados do Banco do Nordeste.</div> </div></div><style>.component-paragraph img { max-width: 100%; }</style><script>(function() {var fragmentElement = document.querySelector('#fragment-0-cgvt'); var configuration = {"textAlign":"left","bottomSpacing":"3","textColor":{"cssClass":"white","rgbValue":"rgb(230, 230, 230)"}};/** * Copyright (c) 2000-present Liferay, Inc. 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See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more * details. */;}());</script> <div id="fragment-2316268-vnvp" > <script id="data_vnvp" type="application/json">{"title":"Remuneração de Empregados","type":0,"typeSettings":{"anyClassTypeDLFileEntryAssetRendererFactory":"47053","orderByColumn1":"ddm__keyword__47054__Ano"}}</script> <span class="loading-animation"></span> <div class="documents-list"></div> </div><script>(function() {var fragmentElement = document.querySelector('#fragment-2316268-vnvp'); var configuration = {"contentSetId":"3721429","showDateConversions":false,"showModifiedDate":true,"showRefDate":false,"textAlign":"left","pageSize":"50","showYear":false,"groupBy":"noGroup","textColor":{"cssClass":"","rgbValue":""},"useTitle":false,"usePagination":false,"bottomSpacing":"3","labelForYear":"Ocorrido em","useContentSetTitle":true,"labelForRefDate":"Referente a","headingLevel":"h2","showCreateDate":true,"activeDebug":false};const editMode = document.body.classList.contains('has-edit-mode-menu') const apiURL = `${Liferay.ThemeDisplay.getPortalURL()}/o/headless-delivery` const contentSetsEndPoint = `/v1.0/content-sets/${configuration.contentSetId}/content-set-elements` const restrictFields = 'title,content.contentUrl,content.dateCreated,content.dateModified,content.documentType,content.fileExtension,content.sizeInBytes' const params = { fields: restrictFields, 'pageSize': configuration.pageSize, 'page': 1 } const pathThemeImages = Liferay.ThemeDisplay.getPathThemeImages() const spritemapBNB = `${pathThemeImages}/bnb/icons.svg` const spritemapClay = `${pathThemeImages}/clay/icons.svg` const scriptAssetListJson = fragmentElement.querySelector(`script#data_${fragmentElement.id.slice(-4)}`) const assetListObject = (scriptAssetListJson) ? 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'' : `A coleção não pode ser agrupada por ano, pois está ordenada por ${orderByColumnName}.` }, 'canGroupByMonthYear': { 'state': canGroupByMonthYear, 'msg' : canGroupByMonthYear ? '' : `A coleção não pode ser agrupada por mês e ano, pois está ordenada por ${orderByColumnName}.` }, 'canGroupByDay': { 'state': canGroupByDay, 'msg' : canGroupByDay ? '' : `A coleção não pode ser agrupada por dia, pois está ordenada por ${orderByColumnName}.` }, 'canShowRefDate': { 'state': canShowRefDate, 'msg' : canShowRefDate ? '' : 'Não é possível mostrar o campo Data de Referência. Esse metadado existe apenas em coleções de Documentos Ordinários.' }, 'canShowYear': { 'state': canShowYear, 'msg' : canShowYear ? '' : 'Não é possível mostrar o campo Ano. Esse metadado existe apenas em coleções de Documentos Anuais.' } } return validityState } // alerta sobre restrições na configuração function reportConstraints() { cleanAlerts() // alerta sobre restrições let validationMessages = [] configuration.groupBy == 'groupByYear' && !validity.canGroupByYear.state && validationMessages.push(validity.canGroupByYear.msg) configuration.groupBy == 'groupByMonthYear' && !validity.canGroupByMonthYear.state && validationMessages.push(validity.canGroupByMonthYear.msg) configuration.groupBy == 'groupByDay' && !validity.canGroupByDay.state && validationMessages.push(validity.canGroupByDay.msg) configuration.showRefDate && !validity.canShowRefDate.state && validationMessages.push(validity.canShowRefDate.msg) configuration.showYear && !validity.canShowYear.state && validationMessages.push(validity.canShowYear.msg) validationMessages.length > 0 && displayAlert('danger', 'Configuração inválida', validationMessages.join('<br/>'), documentsList, 'beforebegin') // debug if (configuration.activeDebug) { console.clear() console.log('Propriedades da Coleção:') console.log(assetListObject) console.log('Configuração do Fragmento:') console.log(configuration) console.log('Validade da Configuração:') console.log(validity) } } // principal funcao para pegar os dados function fetchDocumentsPage(page) { params.page = (page) ? page : params.page let request = Liferay.Util.addParams(params, apiURL+contentSetsEndPoint) fetch( request, { method: 'GET', headers: { 'Content-Type': 'application/json' } } ).then(response => { if (response.ok) { return response.json() } }).then(documents => { handleDocuments(documents) if (editMode && configuration.activeDebug) { console.log(`Retorno da requisição (page ${params.page}):`) console.log(documents) } }) } // manipula dados retornados da coleção function handleDocuments(documents) { loadingAnimation && loadingAnimation.remove() if (documents.items.length > 0) { switch (configuration.groupBy) { case 'noGroup': renderDocumentsList(documents) break case 'groupByYear': (validity.canGroupByYear.state) ? renderDocumentsListByGroup(documents) : renderDocumentsList(documents) break case 'groupByMonthYear': (validity.canGroupByMonthYear.state) ? renderDocumentsListByGroup(documents) : renderDocumentsList(documents) break case 'groupByDay': (validity.canGroupByDay.state) ? renderDocumentsListByGroup(documents) : renderDocumentsList(documents) break } configuration.usePagination && renderPaginationBar(documents.page, documents.lastPage, documents.totalCount) } else { displayAlert('info', 'Aviso', 'Não foram encontrados documentos', documentsList, 'afterbegin') } } // renderiza lista agrupada function renderDocumentsListByGroup(documents) { let lastListGroup = documentsList.querySelector('.list-group:last-child') let currentGroup = (lastListGroup) ? lastListGroup.dataset.group : 0 configuration.activeDebug && configuration.showDateConversions && editMode && console.log(`Extração do grupo a partir do campo ${getOrderByFieldName(assetListObject.typeSettings.orderByColumn1)}:`) documents.items.forEach(doc => { let group = getDocumentGroup(doc) if (currentGroup != group) { let listGroup = document.createElement('ul') listGroup.classList.add('list-group') listGroup.dataset.group = group listGroup.setAttribute('aria-label', `${assetListObject.title} de ${group}`) lastListGroup = documentsList.insertAdjacentElement('beforeend', listGroup) lastListGroup.insertAdjacentHTML('afterbegin', renderListGroupHeader(group)) currentGroup = group } lastListGroup.insertAdjacentHTML('beforeend', renderListGroupItem(doc)) }) } // extrai e retorna o dado (string) utilizado como agrupador (dia, mês ou ano) a partir do campo utilizado como primeira ordenação da coleção function getDocumentGroup(document) { let fieldData let group let dateField let options let test let orderByColumn = assetListObject.typeSettings.orderByColumn1 switch (orderByColumn) { case 'ddm__keyword__47047__DataReferência': fieldData = document.content.documentType.contentFields[0].contentFieldValue.data break case 'ddm__keyword__47054__Ano': fieldData = document.content.documentType.contentFields[0].contentFieldValue.data break case 'modifiedDate': fieldData = document.content.dateModified break case 'createDate': fieldData = document.content.dateCreated break case 'publishDate': // verificar esse caso por que não há uma campo data de publicação em coleções de documentos fieldData = document.content.dateCreated break } dateField = new Date(fieldData) switch (configuration.groupBy) { case 'groupByYear': test = (orderByColumn == 'ddm__keyword__47047__DataReferência' || orderByColumn == 'ddm__keyword__47054__Ano') group = test ? dateField.getUTCFullYear() : dateField.getFullYear() break case 'groupByMonthYear': test = (orderByColumn == 'ddm__keyword__47047__DataReferência') options = test ? {month:'long', year:'numeric', timeZone: 'UTC'} : { month:'long', year:'numeric' } group = dateField.toLocaleDateString('pt-BR', options) group = group.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + group.slice(1) break case 'groupByDay': test = (orderByColumn == 'ddm__keyword__47047__DataReferência') options = test ? {timeZone: 'UTC'} : {} group = dateField.toLocaleDateString('pt-BR', options) break } configuration.activeDebug && configuration.showDateConversions && editMode && console.log(`${fieldData} --> ${group}`) return group } // renderiza lista comum function renderDocumentsList(documents) { let listGroup = getNodeElement(documentsList, 'afterbegin', 'ul', '.list-group') listGroup.setAttribute('aria-label', assetListObject.title) documents.items.forEach(doc => { listGroup.insertAdjacentHTML('beforeend', renderListGroupItem(doc)) }) } // renderiza cabeçalho da lista function renderListGroupHeader(title) { let listHeaderHTML = ` <li class="list-group-header"> <span class="list-group-header-title"><big>${title}</big></span> </li> ` return listHeaderHTML } // renderiza um item da lista function renderListGroupItem(document) { let dateCreated = (configuration.showCreateDate) ? new Date(document.content.dateCreated) : null let dateCreatedHTML = (dateCreated) ? ` <div class="d-flex flex-row flex-lg-column text-lg-right ml-lg-3 mr-md-2 mr-lg-0"> <span class="small font-weight-bold text-nowrap mr-1 mr-lg-0">Publicado em</span> <span class="small">${dateCreated.toLocaleDateString('pt-BR')}</span> </div>` : '' let dateModified = (configuration.showModifiedDate) ? new Date(document.content.dateModified) : null let dateModifiedHTML = (dateModified) ? ` <div class="d-flex flex-row flex-lg-column text-lg-right ml-lg-3 mr-md-2 mr-lg-0"> <span class="small font-weight-bold text-nowrap mr-1 mr-lg-0">Atualizado em</span> <span class="small">${dateModified.toLocaleDateString('pt-BR')}</span> </div>` : '' let refDate = (configuration.showRefDate && validity.canShowRefDate.state) ? new Date(document.content.documentType.contentFields[0].contentFieldValue.data) : null let refDateHTML = (refDate) ? ` <div class="d-flex flex-row flex-lg-column text-lg-right ml-lg-3 mr-md-2 mr-lg-0"> <span class="small font-weight-bold text-nowrap mr-1 mr-lg-0">${configuration.labelForRefDate}</span> <span class="small">${refDate.toLocaleDateString('pt-BR', {timeZone: 'UTC'})}</span> </div>` : '' let year = (configuration.showYear && validity.canShowYear.state) ? document.content.documentType.contentFields[0].contentFieldValue.data : null let yearHTML = (year) ? ` <div class="d-flex flex-row flex-lg-column text-lg-right ml-lg-3 mr-md-2 mr-lg-0"> <span class="small font-weight-bold text-nowrap mr-1 mr-lg-0">${configuration.labelForYear}</span> <span class="small">${year}</span> </div>` : '' let hasMetadatas = (year || refDate || dateCreated || dateModified) let metadataHTML = (hasMetadatas) ? ` <div class="d-flex flex-column flex-md-row"> ${yearHTML} ${refDateHTML} ${dateCreatedHTML} ${dateModifiedHTML} </div>` : '' let listItemHTML = ` <li class="list-group-item list-group-item-flex align-items-center"> <div class="autofit-col"> <svg class="lexicon-icon text-tertiary lexicon-icon-lg" focusable="false" role="presentation" viewBox="0 0 512 512"> <use xlink:href="${spritemapBNB}#arquivo-${document.content.fileExtension}" /> </svg> </div> <div class="autofit-col autofit-col-expand"> <div class="d-flex flex-column flex-lg-row justify-content-start justify-content-lg-between"> <div class="d-flex flex-column"> <span class="list-group-title"> <a href="${document.content.contentUrl}">${document.title}</a> </span> <span class="list-group-subtitle text-uppercase small"> ${document.content.fileExtension}, ${Liferay.Util.formatStorage(document.content.sizeInBytes, {addSpaceBeforeSuffix: true})} </span> </div> ${metadataHTML} </div> </div> </li> ` return listItemHTML } // renderiza paginação function renderPaginationBar(page, lastPage, totalCount) { let paginationBar = getNodeElement(fragmentElement, 'beforeend', 'div', '.pagination-bar') let lastIndex = (page === lastPage) ? totalCount : configuration.pageSize*page let nDocuments = (page+1 === lastPage) ? totalCount - configuration.pageSize*page : configuration.pageSize paginationBar.classList.add('justify-content-center', 'justify-content-lg-between') let textColor = (configuration.textColor.cssClass) ? `text-${configuration.textColor.cssClass}` : '' paginationBar.innerHTML = ` <div class="pagination-results mr-0 ${textColor}">Exibindo 1 a ${lastIndex} de ${totalCount} documentos.</div> <ul class="pagination"> <li class="page-item"> <button class="btn btn-unstyled page-link" type="button"> Exibir mais ${nDocuments} documentos ${renderIcon('angle-down', spritemapClay, 'ml-2')} </button> </li> </ul> ` let showMoreButton = paginationBar.querySelector('button.page-link') if (page !== lastPage) { showMoreButton.addEventListener('click', e => { showMoreButton.querySelector('svg').remove() let loadAnimation = getNodeElement(showMoreButton, 'beforeend', 'span', '.loading-animation') loadAnimation.classList.add('loading-animation-sm', 'ml-2') fetchDocumentsPage(page+1) }) } else { showMoreButton.remove() } } // imprime um mensagem de alerta function displayAlert(style, title, msg, parentNode, position) { let styleIcons = { 'danger': 'exclamation-full', 'success': 'check-circle-full', 'info': 'info-circle', 'warning': 'warning-full' } let html = ` <div class="alert p-4 alert-${style}" role="alert"> <span class="alert-indicator"> ${renderIcon(styleIcons[style], spritemapClay, '')} </span> <strong>${title}:</strong> <p class="mt-2 mb-0">${msg}</p> </div> ` parentNode.insertAdjacentHTML(position, html) } // limpa mensagens de alerta function cleanAlerts() { let alerts = fragmentElement.querySelectorAll('.alert') alerts.forEach(alert => alert.remove()) } // imprime icone SGV function renderIcon(icon, spritemap, cssClasses) { return ` <svg class="lexicon-icon lexicon-icon-${icon} ${cssClasses}" focusable="false" role="presentation"> <use href="${spritemap}#${icon}"></use> </svg> ` } // retorna/cria um elemento html de uma classe css // ascendantNode é um nó ascendente // position é uma string 'beforeend', 'afterbegin' + // elementType uma string 'ul', 'div' etc // cssClass é uma classe css function getNodeElement(ascendantNode, position, elementType, cssClass) { let nodeElement if (ascendantNode.querySelector(cssClass)) { nodeElement = ascendantNode.querySelector(cssClass) } else { nodeElement = document.createElement(elementType) nodeElement = ascendantNode.insertAdjacentElement(position, nodeElement) nodeElement.classList.add(cssClass.slice(1)) } return nodeElement } // retorna nome amigável do campo usado como 1ª ordenação function getOrderByFieldName(orderByColumn) { let regExp = /^ddm__keyword__\d+__(.+)/ let matchExp = regExp.exec(orderByColumn) return (matchExp) ? matchExp[1] : Liferay.Language.get(orderByColumn) };}());</script> </div> </div> </div> </section>]]>
4249 <![CDATA[<section class="bg-primary-d1" style=""> <div class="container px-3 py-5"> <div class="row "> <div class="col-md-12"> <div id="fragment-0-invp" > <h3 class="component-heading mb-0 pb-3 text-white text-left text-break fragment-heading-text-colored"> <span>Diárias e Passagens</span> </h3></div><style>.fragment-heading-text-colored a { color: inherit; }</style><script>(function() {var fragmentElement = document.querySelector('#fragment-0-invp'); var configuration = {"textAlign":"left","bottomSpacing":"3","headingLevel":"h3","textColor":{"cssClass":"white","rgbValue":"rgb(230, 230, 230)"}};/** * Copyright (c) 2000-present Liferay, Inc. 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See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more * details. */;}());</script> <div id="fragment-0-cinu" > <div class="component-paragraph pb-3 text-white text-left text-break"> <div>Diárias e passagens de servidores, empregados, comissionados, terceirizados, autoridades e membros do Banco do Nordeste.</div> </div></div><style>.component-paragraph img { max-width: 100%; }</style><script>(function() {var fragmentElement = document.querySelector('#fragment-0-cinu'); var configuration = {"textAlign":"left","bottomSpacing":"3","textColor":{"cssClass":"white","rgbValue":"rgb(230, 230, 230)"}};/** * Copyright (c) 2000-present Liferay, Inc. All rights reserved. * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under * the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free * Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) * any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS * FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more * details. */;}());</script> <div id="fragment-2316268-geqw" > <script id="data_geqw" type="application/json">{"title":"Diárias e Passagens","type":0,"typeSettings":{"anyClassTypeDLFileEntryAssetRendererFactory":"47053","orderByColumn1":"ddm__keyword__47054__Ano"}}</script> <span class="loading-animation"></span> <div class="documents-list"></div> </div><script>(function() {var fragmentElement = document.querySelector('#fragment-2316268-geqw'); var configuration = {"contentSetId":"2707193","showDateConversions":false,"showModifiedDate":true,"showRefDate":false,"textAlign":"left","pageSize":"5","showYear":false,"groupBy":"noGroup","textColor":{"cssClass":"white","rgbValue":"rgb(230, 230, 230)"},"useTitle":false,"usePagination":true,"bottomSpacing":"3","labelForYear":"Ocorrido em","useContentSetTitle":true,"labelForRefDate":"Referente a","headingLevel":"h2","showCreateDate":true,"activeDebug":false};const editMode = document.body.classList.contains('has-edit-mode-menu') const apiURL = `${Liferay.ThemeDisplay.getPortalURL()}/o/headless-delivery` const contentSetsEndPoint = `/v1.0/content-sets/${configuration.contentSetId}/content-set-elements` const restrictFields = 'title,content.contentUrl,content.dateCreated,content.dateModified,content.documentType,content.fileExtension,content.sizeInBytes' const params = { fields: restrictFields, 'pageSize': configuration.pageSize, 'page': 1 } const pathThemeImages = Liferay.ThemeDisplay.getPathThemeImages() const spritemapBNB = `${pathThemeImages}/bnb/icons.svg` const spritemapClay = `${pathThemeImages}/clay/icons.svg` const scriptAssetListJson = fragmentElement.querySelector(`script#data_${fragmentElement.id.slice(-4)}`) const assetListObject = (scriptAssetListJson) ? 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'' : `A coleção não pode ser agrupada por ano, pois está ordenada por ${orderByColumnName}.` }, 'canGroupByMonthYear': { 'state': canGroupByMonthYear, 'msg' : canGroupByMonthYear ? '' : `A coleção não pode ser agrupada por mês e ano, pois está ordenada por ${orderByColumnName}.` }, 'canGroupByDay': { 'state': canGroupByDay, 'msg' : canGroupByDay ? '' : `A coleção não pode ser agrupada por dia, pois está ordenada por ${orderByColumnName}.` }, 'canShowRefDate': { 'state': canShowRefDate, 'msg' : canShowRefDate ? '' : 'Não é possível mostrar o campo Data de Referência. Esse metadado existe apenas em coleções de Documentos Ordinários.' }, 'canShowYear': { 'state': canShowYear, 'msg' : canShowYear ? '' : 'Não é possível mostrar o campo Ano. Esse metadado existe apenas em coleções de Documentos Anuais.' } } return validityState } // alerta sobre restrições na configuração function reportConstraints() { cleanAlerts() // alerta sobre restrições let validationMessages = [] configuration.groupBy == 'groupByYear' && !validity.canGroupByYear.state && validationMessages.push(validity.canGroupByYear.msg) configuration.groupBy == 'groupByMonthYear' && !validity.canGroupByMonthYear.state && validationMessages.push(validity.canGroupByMonthYear.msg) configuration.groupBy == 'groupByDay' && !validity.canGroupByDay.state && validationMessages.push(validity.canGroupByDay.msg) configuration.showRefDate && !validity.canShowRefDate.state && validationMessages.push(validity.canShowRefDate.msg) configuration.showYear && !validity.canShowYear.state && validationMessages.push(validity.canShowYear.msg) validationMessages.length > 0 && displayAlert('danger', 'Configuração inválida', validationMessages.join('<br/>'), documentsList, 'beforebegin') // debug if (configuration.activeDebug) { console.clear() console.log('Propriedades da Coleção:') console.log(assetListObject) console.log('Configuração do Fragmento:') console.log(configuration) console.log('Validade da Configuração:') console.log(validity) } } // principal funcao para pegar os dados function fetchDocumentsPage(page) { params.page = (page) ? 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dateField.getUTCFullYear() : dateField.getFullYear() break case 'groupByMonthYear': test = (orderByColumn == 'ddm__keyword__47047__DataReferência') options = test ? {month:'long', year:'numeric', timeZone: 'UTC'} : { month:'long', year:'numeric' } group = dateField.toLocaleDateString('pt-BR', options) group = group.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + group.slice(1) break case 'groupByDay': test = (orderByColumn == 'ddm__keyword__47047__DataReferência') options = test ? {timeZone: 'UTC'} : {} group = dateField.toLocaleDateString('pt-BR', options) break } configuration.activeDebug && configuration.showDateConversions && editMode && console.log(`${fieldData} --> ${group}`) return group } // renderiza lista comum function renderDocumentsList(documents) { let listGroup = getNodeElement(documentsList, 'afterbegin', 'ul', '.list-group') listGroup.setAttribute('aria-label', assetListObject.title) documents.items.forEach(doc => { listGroup.insertAdjacentHTML('beforeend', renderListGroupItem(doc)) }) } // renderiza cabeçalho da lista function renderListGroupHeader(title) { let listHeaderHTML = ` <li class="list-group-header"> <span class="list-group-header-title"><big>${title}</big></span> </li> ` return listHeaderHTML } // renderiza um item da lista function renderListGroupItem(document) { let dateCreated = (configuration.showCreateDate) ? 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4813 <![CDATA[<section class="bg-quaternary" style=""> <div class="container px-3 py-5"> <div class="row "> <div class="col-md-12"> <div id="fragment-47411-orru" > <div class="card mb-3 shadow "> <div class="d-flex flex-column flex-lg-row"> <div class="px-5 pt-5 pb-4 pb-lg-5 pr-lg-5"> <div class="lexicon-icon-box rounded-circle bg-quaternary text-primary"> <svg class="lexicon-icon lexicon-icon-aperto-mao" focusable="false" id="solm" role="presentation"><use xlink:href="https://www.bnb.gov.br/o/bnb-dxp-theme/images/bnb/icons.svg#aperto-mao" /></svg> </div> </div> <div class="px-5 pb-5 pl-lg-0 pt-lg-5"> <div class="h4"> <div>Política de Transações com Partes Relacionadas</div> </div> <div> <div><p>Nesta seção, acesse a Política de Transações com Partes Relacionadas do Banco do Nordeste.</p> </div> </div> <div><a class="btn btn-link" href="/transparencia-e-prestacao-de-contas/politica-de-transacoes-com-partes-relacionadas" rel="">Acessar</a></div> </div> </div> </div> </div><style>.fragment_169311 { }</style><script>(function() {var fragmentElement = document.querySelector('#fragment-47411-orru'); var configuration = {"spritemap":"bnb","symbol":"aperto-mao","cardShadow":"shadow","borderRadius":"","externalLink":false,"bottomSpacing":"mb-3","btnStyle":"btn-link","btLegend":"","cardOrientation":"d-flex flex-column flex-lg-row","iconStyle":"bg-quaternary text-primary","hasButton":true,"iconBox":"rounded-circle"};let links = fragmentElement.querySelectorAll('a.btn') let titles = fragmentElement.querySelectorAll('div.h4') links.forEach((link, index) => { let ariaLabel = (configuration.btLegend == '') ? 'Saiba mais sobre ' + titles[index].innerText : configuration.btLegend ariaLabel = (configuration.externalLink) ? ariaLabel + ' (link externo)' : ariaLabel link.setAttribute("aria-label", ariaLabel) });}());</script> <div id="fragment-47411-mxpa" > <div class="card mb-3 shadow "> <div class="d-flex flex-column flex-lg-row"> <div class="px-5 pt-5 pb-4 pb-lg-5 pr-lg-5"> <div class="lexicon-icon-box rounded-circle bg-quaternary text-primary"> <svg class="lexicon-icon lexicon-icon-sheets" focusable="false" id="yrnu" role="presentation"><use xlink:href="https://www.bnb.gov.br/o/bnb-dxp-theme/images/clay/icons.svg#sheets" /></svg> </div> </div> <div class="px-5 pb-5 pl-lg-0 pt-lg-5"> <div class="h4"> <div>Política de Dividendos</div> </div> <div> <div><p>Nesta seção, acesse a Política de Dividendos do Banco do Nordeste.</p> </div> </div> <div><a class="btn btn-link" href="/transparencia-e-prestacao-de-contas/politica-de-dividendos" rel="">Acessar</a></div> </div> </div> </div> </div><script>(function() {var fragmentElement = document.querySelector('#fragment-47411-mxpa'); var configuration = {"spritemap":"clay","symbol":"sheets","cardShadow":"shadow","borderRadius":"","externalLink":false,"bottomSpacing":"mb-3","btnStyle":"btn-link","btLegend":"","cardOrientation":"d-flex flex-column flex-lg-row","iconStyle":"bg-quaternary text-primary","hasButton":true,"iconBox":"rounded-circle"};let links = fragmentElement.querySelectorAll('a.btn') let titles = fragmentElement.querySelectorAll('div.h4') links.forEach((link, index) => { let ariaLabel = (configuration.btLegend == '') ? 'Saiba mais sobre ' + titles[index].innerText : configuration.btLegend ariaLabel = (configuration.externalLink) ? ariaLabel + ' (link externo)' : ariaLabel link.setAttribute("aria-label", ariaLabel) });}());</script> </div> </div> </div> </section>]]>
4900 <![CDATA[<section class="bg-" style=""> <div class="container px-3 py-5"> <div class="row "> <div class="col-md-12"> <div id="fragment-0-fvfv" > <h2 class="component-heading mb-0 pb-3 text-left text-break "> <span>Portal da Transparência</span> </h2></div><script>(function() {var fragmentElement = document.querySelector('#fragment-0-fvfv'); var configuration = {"textAlign":"left","bottomSpacing":"3","headingLevel":"h2","textColor":{"cssClass":"","rgbValue":""}};/** * Copyright (c) 2000-present Liferay, Inc. All rights reserved. * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under * the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free * Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) * any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS * FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. 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'' : `A coleção não pode ser agrupada por ano, pois está ordenada por ${orderByColumnName}.` }, 'canGroupByMonthYear': { 'state': canGroupByMonthYear, 'msg' : canGroupByMonthYear ? '' : `A coleção não pode ser agrupada por mês e ano, pois está ordenada por ${orderByColumnName}.` }, 'canGroupByDay': { 'state': canGroupByDay, 'msg' : canGroupByDay ? '' : `A coleção não pode ser agrupada por dia, pois está ordenada por ${orderByColumnName}.` }, 'canShowRefDate': { 'state': canShowRefDate, 'msg' : canShowRefDate ? '' : 'Não é possível mostrar o campo Data de Referência. Esse metadado existe apenas em coleções de Documentos Ordinários.' }, 'canShowYear': { 'state': canShowYear, 'msg' : canShowYear ? '' : 'Não é possível mostrar o campo Ano. Esse metadado existe apenas em coleções de Documentos Anuais.' } } return validityState } // alerta sobre restrições na configuração function reportConstraints() { cleanAlerts() // alerta sobre restrições let validationMessages = [] configuration.groupBy == 'groupByYear' && !validity.canGroupByYear.state && validationMessages.push(validity.canGroupByYear.msg) configuration.groupBy == 'groupByMonthYear' && !validity.canGroupByMonthYear.state && validationMessages.push(validity.canGroupByMonthYear.msg) configuration.groupBy == 'groupByDay' && !validity.canGroupByDay.state && validationMessages.push(validity.canGroupByDay.msg) configuration.showRefDate && !validity.canShowRefDate.state && validationMessages.push(validity.canShowRefDate.msg) configuration.showYear && !validity.canShowYear.state && validationMessages.push(validity.canShowYear.msg) validationMessages.length > 0 && displayAlert('danger', 'Configuração inválida', validationMessages.join('<br/>'), documentsList, 'beforebegin') // debug if (configuration.activeDebug) { console.clear() console.log('Propriedades da Coleção:') console.log(assetListObject) console.log('Configuração do Fragmento:') console.log(configuration) console.log('Validade da Configuração:') console.log(validity) } } // principal funcao para pegar os dados function fetchDocumentsPage(page) { params.page = (page) ? page : params.page let request = Liferay.Util.addParams(params, apiURL+contentSetsEndPoint) fetch( request, { method: 'GET', headers: { 'Content-Type': 'application/json' } } ).then(response => { if (response.ok) { return response.json() } }).then(documents => { handleDocuments(documents) if (editMode && configuration.activeDebug) { console.log(`Retorno da requisição (page ${params.page}):`) console.log(documents) } }) } // manipula dados retornados da coleção function handleDocuments(documents) { loadingAnimation && loadingAnimation.remove() if (documents.items.length > 0) { switch (configuration.groupBy) { case 'noGroup': renderDocumentsList(documents) break case 'groupByYear': (validity.canGroupByYear.state) ? renderDocumentsListByGroup(documents) : renderDocumentsList(documents) break case 'groupByMonthYear': (validity.canGroupByMonthYear.state) ? renderDocumentsListByGroup(documents) : renderDocumentsList(documents) break case 'groupByDay': (validity.canGroupByDay.state) ? renderDocumentsListByGroup(documents) : renderDocumentsList(documents) break } configuration.usePagination && renderPaginationBar(documents.page, documents.lastPage, documents.totalCount) } else { displayAlert('info', 'Aviso', 'Não foram encontrados documentos', documentsList, 'afterbegin') } } // renderiza lista agrupada function renderDocumentsListByGroup(documents) { let lastListGroup = documentsList.querySelector('.list-group:last-child') let currentGroup = (lastListGroup) ? lastListGroup.dataset.group : 0 configuration.activeDebug && configuration.showDateConversions && editMode && console.log(`Extração do grupo a partir do campo ${getOrderByFieldName(assetListObject.typeSettings.orderByColumn1)}:`) documents.items.forEach(doc => { let group = getDocumentGroup(doc) if (currentGroup != group) { let listGroup = document.createElement('ul') listGroup.classList.add('list-group') listGroup.dataset.group = group listGroup.setAttribute('aria-label', `${assetListObject.title} de ${group}`) lastListGroup = documentsList.insertAdjacentElement('beforeend', listGroup) lastListGroup.insertAdjacentHTML('afterbegin', renderListGroupHeader(group)) currentGroup = group } lastListGroup.insertAdjacentHTML('beforeend', renderListGroupItem(doc)) }) } // extrai e retorna o dado (string) utilizado como agrupador (dia, mês ou ano) a partir do campo utilizado como primeira ordenação da coleção function getDocumentGroup(document) { let fieldData let group let dateField let options let test let orderByColumn = assetListObject.typeSettings.orderByColumn1 switch (orderByColumn) { case 'ddm__keyword__47047__DataReferência': fieldData = document.content.documentType.contentFields[0].contentFieldValue.data break case 'ddm__keyword__47054__Ano': fieldData = document.content.documentType.contentFields[0].contentFieldValue.data break case 'modifiedDate': fieldData = document.content.dateModified break case 'createDate': fieldData = document.content.dateCreated break case 'publishDate': // verificar esse caso por que não há uma campo data de publicação em coleções de documentos fieldData = document.content.dateCreated break } dateField = new Date(fieldData) switch (configuration.groupBy) { case 'groupByYear': test = (orderByColumn == 'ddm__keyword__47047__DataReferência' || orderByColumn == 'ddm__keyword__47054__Ano') group = test ? dateField.getUTCFullYear() : dateField.getFullYear() break case 'groupByMonthYear': test = (orderByColumn == 'ddm__keyword__47047__DataReferência') options = test ? {month:'long', year:'numeric', timeZone: 'UTC'} : { month:'long', year:'numeric' } group = dateField.toLocaleDateString('pt-BR', options) group = group.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + group.slice(1) break case 'groupByDay': test = (orderByColumn == 'ddm__keyword__47047__DataReferência') options = test ? {timeZone: 'UTC'} : {} group = dateField.toLocaleDateString('pt-BR', options) break } configuration.activeDebug && configuration.showDateConversions && editMode && console.log(`${fieldData} --> ${group}`) return group } // renderiza lista comum function renderDocumentsList(documents) { let listGroup = getNodeElement(documentsList, 'afterbegin', 'ul', '.list-group') listGroup.setAttribute('aria-label', assetListObject.title) documents.items.forEach(doc => { listGroup.insertAdjacentHTML('beforeend', renderListGroupItem(doc)) }) } // renderiza cabeçalho da lista function renderListGroupHeader(title) { let listHeaderHTML = ` <li class="list-group-header"> <span class="list-group-header-title"><big>${title}</big></span> </li> ` return listHeaderHTML } // renderiza um item da lista function renderListGroupItem(document) { let dateCreated = (configuration.showCreateDate) ? new Date(document.content.dateCreated) : null let dateCreatedHTML = (dateCreated) ? ` <div class="d-flex flex-row flex-lg-column text-lg-right ml-lg-3 mr-md-2 mr-lg-0"> <span class="small font-weight-bold text-nowrap mr-1 mr-lg-0">Publicado em</span> <span class="small">${dateCreated.toLocaleDateString('pt-BR')}</span> </div>` : '' let dateModified = (configuration.showModifiedDate) ? new Date(document.content.dateModified) : null let dateModifiedHTML = (dateModified) ? ` <div class="d-flex flex-row flex-lg-column text-lg-right ml-lg-3 mr-md-2 mr-lg-0"> <span class="small font-weight-bold text-nowrap mr-1 mr-lg-0">Atualizado em</span> <span class="small">${dateModified.toLocaleDateString('pt-BR')}</span> </div>` : '' let refDate = (configuration.showRefDate && validity.canShowRefDate.state) ? new Date(document.content.documentType.contentFields[0].contentFieldValue.data) : null let refDateHTML = (refDate) ? ` <div class="d-flex flex-row flex-lg-column text-lg-right ml-lg-3 mr-md-2 mr-lg-0"> <span class="small font-weight-bold text-nowrap mr-1 mr-lg-0">${configuration.labelForRefDate}</span> <span class="small">${refDate.toLocaleDateString('pt-BR', {timeZone: 'UTC'})}</span> </div>` : '' let year = (configuration.showYear && validity.canShowYear.state) ? document.content.documentType.contentFields[0].contentFieldValue.data : null let yearHTML = (year) ? ` <div class="d-flex flex-row flex-lg-column text-lg-right ml-lg-3 mr-md-2 mr-lg-0"> <span class="small font-weight-bold text-nowrap mr-1 mr-lg-0">${configuration.labelForYear}</span> <span class="small">${year}</span> </div>` : '' let hasMetadatas = (year || refDate || dateCreated || dateModified) let metadataHTML = (hasMetadatas) ? ` <div class="d-flex flex-column flex-md-row"> ${yearHTML} ${refDateHTML} ${dateCreatedHTML} ${dateModifiedHTML} </div>` : '' let listItemHTML = ` <li class="list-group-item list-group-item-flex align-items-center"> <div class="autofit-col"> <svg class="lexicon-icon text-tertiary lexicon-icon-lg" focusable="false" role="presentation" viewBox="0 0 512 512"> <use xlink:href="${spritemapBNB}#arquivo-${document.content.fileExtension}" /> </svg> </div> <div class="autofit-col autofit-col-expand"> <div class="d-flex flex-column flex-lg-row justify-content-start justify-content-lg-between"> <div class="d-flex flex-column"> <span class="list-group-title"> <a href="${document.content.contentUrl}">${document.title}</a> </span> <span class="list-group-subtitle text-uppercase small"> ${document.content.fileExtension}, ${Liferay.Util.formatStorage(document.content.sizeInBytes, {addSpaceBeforeSuffix: true})} </span> </div> ${metadataHTML} </div> </div> </li> ` return listItemHTML } // renderiza paginação function renderPaginationBar(page, lastPage, totalCount) { let paginationBar = getNodeElement(fragmentElement, 'beforeend', 'div', '.pagination-bar') let lastIndex = (page === lastPage) ? totalCount : configuration.pageSize*page let nDocuments = (page+1 === lastPage) ? totalCount - configuration.pageSize*page : configuration.pageSize paginationBar.classList.add('justify-content-center', 'justify-content-lg-between') let textColor = (configuration.textColor.cssClass) ? `text-${configuration.textColor.cssClass}` : '' paginationBar.innerHTML = ` <div class="pagination-results mr-0 ${textColor}">Exibindo 1 a ${lastIndex} de ${totalCount} documentos.</div> <ul class="pagination"> <li class="page-item"> <button class="btn btn-unstyled page-link" type="button"> Exibir mais ${nDocuments} documentos ${renderIcon('angle-down', spritemapClay, 'ml-2')} </button> </li> </ul> ` let showMoreButton = paginationBar.querySelector('button.page-link') if (page !== lastPage) { showMoreButton.addEventListener('click', e => { showMoreButton.querySelector('svg').remove() let loadAnimation = getNodeElement(showMoreButton, 'beforeend', 'span', '.loading-animation') loadAnimation.classList.add('loading-animation-sm', 'ml-2') fetchDocumentsPage(page+1) }) } else { showMoreButton.remove() } } // imprime um mensagem de alerta function displayAlert(style, title, msg, parentNode, position) { let styleIcons = { 'danger': 'exclamation-full', 'success': 'check-circle-full', 'info': 'info-circle', 'warning': 'warning-full' } let html = ` <div class="alert p-4 alert-${style}" role="alert"> <span class="alert-indicator"> ${renderIcon(styleIcons[style], spritemapClay, '')} </span> <strong>${title}:</strong> <p class="mt-2 mb-0">${msg}</p> </div> ` parentNode.insertAdjacentHTML(position, html) } // limpa mensagens de alerta function cleanAlerts() { let alerts = fragmentElement.querySelectorAll('.alert') alerts.forEach(alert => alert.remove()) } // imprime icone SGV function renderIcon(icon, spritemap, cssClasses) { return ` <svg class="lexicon-icon lexicon-icon-${icon} ${cssClasses}" focusable="false" role="presentation"> <use href="${spritemap}#${icon}"></use> </svg> ` } // retorna/cria um elemento html de uma classe css // ascendantNode é um nó ascendente // position é uma string 'beforeend', 'afterbegin' + // elementType uma string 'ul', 'div' etc // cssClass é uma classe css function getNodeElement(ascendantNode, position, elementType, cssClass) { let nodeElement if (ascendantNode.querySelector(cssClass)) { nodeElement = ascendantNode.querySelector(cssClass) } else { nodeElement = document.createElement(elementType) nodeElement = ascendantNode.insertAdjacentElement(position, nodeElement) nodeElement.classList.add(cssClass.slice(1)) } return nodeElement } // retorna nome amigável do campo usado como 1ª ordenação function getOrderByFieldName(orderByColumn) { let regExp = /^ddm__keyword__\d+__(.+)/ let matchExp = regExp.exec(orderByColumn) return (matchExp) ? 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'' : `A coleção não pode ser agrupada por ano, pois está ordenada por ${orderByColumnName}.` }, 'canGroupByMonthYear': { 'state': canGroupByMonthYear, 'msg' : canGroupByMonthYear ? '' : `A coleção não pode ser agrupada por mês e ano, pois está ordenada por ${orderByColumnName}.` }, 'canGroupByDay': { 'state': canGroupByDay, 'msg' : canGroupByDay ? '' : `A coleção não pode ser agrupada por dia, pois está ordenada por ${orderByColumnName}.` }, 'canShowRefDate': { 'state': canShowRefDate, 'msg' : canShowRefDate ? '' : 'Não é possível mostrar o campo Data de Referência. Esse metadado existe apenas em coleções de Documentos Ordinários.' }, 'canShowYear': { 'state': canShowYear, 'msg' : canShowYear ? '' : 'Não é possível mostrar o campo Ano. Esse metadado existe apenas em coleções de Documentos Anuais.' } } return validityState } // alerta sobre restrições na configuração function reportConstraints() { cleanAlerts() // alerta sobre restrições let validationMessages = [] configuration.groupBy == 'groupByYear' && !validity.canGroupByYear.state && validationMessages.push(validity.canGroupByYear.msg) configuration.groupBy == 'groupByMonthYear' && !validity.canGroupByMonthYear.state && validationMessages.push(validity.canGroupByMonthYear.msg) configuration.groupBy == 'groupByDay' && !validity.canGroupByDay.state && validationMessages.push(validity.canGroupByDay.msg) configuration.showRefDate && !validity.canShowRefDate.state && validationMessages.push(validity.canShowRefDate.msg) configuration.showYear && !validity.canShowYear.state && validationMessages.push(validity.canShowYear.msg) validationMessages.length > 0 && displayAlert('danger', 'Configuração inválida', validationMessages.join('<br/>'), documentsList, 'beforebegin') // debug if (configuration.activeDebug) { console.clear() console.log('Propriedades da Coleção:') console.log(assetListObject) console.log('Configuração do Fragmento:') console.log(configuration) console.log('Validade da Configuração:') console.log(validity) } } // principal funcao para pegar os dados function fetchDocumentsPage(page) { params.page = (page) ? page : params.page let request = Liferay.Util.addParams(params, apiURL+contentSetsEndPoint) fetch( request, { method: 'GET', headers: { 'Content-Type': 'application/json' } } ).then(response => { if (response.ok) { return response.json() } }).then(documents => { handleDocuments(documents) if (editMode && configuration.activeDebug) { console.log(`Retorno da requisição (page ${params.page}):`) console.log(documents) } }) } // manipula dados retornados da coleção function handleDocuments(documents) { loadingAnimation && loadingAnimation.remove() if (documents.items.length > 0) { switch (configuration.groupBy) { case 'noGroup': renderDocumentsList(documents) break case 'groupByYear': (validity.canGroupByYear.state) ? renderDocumentsListByGroup(documents) : renderDocumentsList(documents) break case 'groupByMonthYear': (validity.canGroupByMonthYear.state) ? renderDocumentsListByGroup(documents) : renderDocumentsList(documents) break case 'groupByDay': (validity.canGroupByDay.state) ? renderDocumentsListByGroup(documents) : renderDocumentsList(documents) break } configuration.usePagination && renderPaginationBar(documents.page, documents.lastPage, documents.totalCount) } else { displayAlert('info', 'Aviso', 'Não foram encontrados documentos', documentsList, 'afterbegin') } } // renderiza lista agrupada function renderDocumentsListByGroup(documents) { let lastListGroup = documentsList.querySelector('.list-group:last-child') let currentGroup = (lastListGroup) ? lastListGroup.dataset.group : 0 configuration.activeDebug && configuration.showDateConversions && editMode && console.log(`Extração do grupo a partir do campo ${getOrderByFieldName(assetListObject.typeSettings.orderByColumn1)}:`) documents.items.forEach(doc => { let group = getDocumentGroup(doc) if (currentGroup != group) { let listGroup = document.createElement('ul') listGroup.classList.add('list-group') listGroup.dataset.group = group listGroup.setAttribute('aria-label', `${assetListObject.title} de ${group}`) lastListGroup = documentsList.insertAdjacentElement('beforeend', listGroup) lastListGroup.insertAdjacentHTML('afterbegin', renderListGroupHeader(group)) currentGroup = group } lastListGroup.insertAdjacentHTML('beforeend', renderListGroupItem(doc)) }) } // extrai e retorna o dado (string) utilizado como agrupador (dia, mês ou ano) a partir do campo utilizado como primeira ordenação da coleção function getDocumentGroup(document) { let fieldData let group let dateField let options let test let orderByColumn = assetListObject.typeSettings.orderByColumn1 switch (orderByColumn) { case 'ddm__keyword__47047__DataReferência': fieldData = document.content.documentType.contentFields[0].contentFieldValue.data break case 'ddm__keyword__47054__Ano': fieldData = document.content.documentType.contentFields[0].contentFieldValue.data break case 'modifiedDate': fieldData = document.content.dateModified break case 'createDate': fieldData = document.content.dateCreated break case 'publishDate': // verificar esse caso por que não há uma campo data de publicação em coleções de documentos fieldData = document.content.dateCreated break } dateField = new Date(fieldData) switch (configuration.groupBy) { case 'groupByYear': test = (orderByColumn == 'ddm__keyword__47047__DataReferência' || orderByColumn == 'ddm__keyword__47054__Ano') group = test ? dateField.getUTCFullYear() : dateField.getFullYear() break case 'groupByMonthYear': test = (orderByColumn == 'ddm__keyword__47047__DataReferência') options = test ? {month:'long', year:'numeric', timeZone: 'UTC'} : { month:'long', year:'numeric' } group = dateField.toLocaleDateString('pt-BR', options) group = group.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + group.slice(1) break case 'groupByDay': test = (orderByColumn == 'ddm__keyword__47047__DataReferência') options = test ? {timeZone: 'UTC'} : {} group = dateField.toLocaleDateString('pt-BR', options) break } configuration.activeDebug && configuration.showDateConversions && editMode && console.log(`${fieldData} --> ${group}`) return group } // renderiza lista comum function renderDocumentsList(documents) { let listGroup = getNodeElement(documentsList, 'afterbegin', 'ul', '.list-group') listGroup.setAttribute('aria-label', assetListObject.title) documents.items.forEach(doc => { listGroup.insertAdjacentHTML('beforeend', renderListGroupItem(doc)) }) } // renderiza cabeçalho da lista function renderListGroupHeader(title) { let listHeaderHTML = ` <li class="list-group-header"> <span class="list-group-header-title"><big>${title}</big></span> </li> ` return listHeaderHTML } // renderiza um item da lista function renderListGroupItem(document) { let dateCreated = (configuration.showCreateDate) ? new Date(document.content.dateCreated) : null let dateCreatedHTML = (dateCreated) ? ` <div class="d-flex flex-row flex-lg-column text-lg-right ml-lg-3 mr-md-2 mr-lg-0"> <span class="small font-weight-bold text-nowrap mr-1 mr-lg-0">Publicado em</span> <span class="small">${dateCreated.toLocaleDateString('pt-BR')}</span> </div>` : '' let dateModified = (configuration.showModifiedDate) ? new Date(document.content.dateModified) : null let dateModifiedHTML = (dateModified) ? ` <div class="d-flex flex-row flex-lg-column text-lg-right ml-lg-3 mr-md-2 mr-lg-0"> <span class="small font-weight-bold text-nowrap mr-1 mr-lg-0">Atualizado em</span> <span class="small">${dateModified.toLocaleDateString('pt-BR')}</span> </div>` : '' let refDate = (configuration.showRefDate && validity.canShowRefDate.state) ? new Date(document.content.documentType.contentFields[0].contentFieldValue.data) : null let refDateHTML = (refDate) ? ` <div class="d-flex flex-row flex-lg-column text-lg-right ml-lg-3 mr-md-2 mr-lg-0"> <span class="small font-weight-bold text-nowrap mr-1 mr-lg-0">${configuration.labelForRefDate}</span> <span class="small">${refDate.toLocaleDateString('pt-BR', {timeZone: 'UTC'})}</span> </div>` : '' let year = (configuration.showYear && validity.canShowYear.state) ? document.content.documentType.contentFields[0].contentFieldValue.data : null let yearHTML = (year) ? ` <div class="d-flex flex-row flex-lg-column text-lg-right ml-lg-3 mr-md-2 mr-lg-0"> <span class="small font-weight-bold text-nowrap mr-1 mr-lg-0">${configuration.labelForYear}</span> <span class="small">${year}</span> </div>` : '' let hasMetadatas = (year || refDate || dateCreated || dateModified) let metadataHTML = (hasMetadatas) ? ` <div class="d-flex flex-column flex-md-row"> ${yearHTML} ${refDateHTML} ${dateCreatedHTML} ${dateModifiedHTML} </div>` : '' let listItemHTML = ` <li class="list-group-item list-group-item-flex align-items-center"> <div class="autofit-col"> <svg class="lexicon-icon text-tertiary lexicon-icon-lg" focusable="false" role="presentation" viewBox="0 0 512 512"> <use xlink:href="${spritemapBNB}#arquivo-${document.content.fileExtension}" /> </svg> </div> <div class="autofit-col autofit-col-expand"> <div class="d-flex flex-column flex-lg-row justify-content-start justify-content-lg-between"> <div class="d-flex flex-column"> <span class="list-group-title"> <a href="${document.content.contentUrl}">${document.title}</a> </span> <span class="list-group-subtitle text-uppercase small"> ${document.content.fileExtension}, ${Liferay.Util.formatStorage(document.content.sizeInBytes, {addSpaceBeforeSuffix: true})} </span> </div> ${metadataHTML} </div> </div> </li> ` return listItemHTML } // renderiza paginação function renderPaginationBar(page, lastPage, totalCount) { let paginationBar = getNodeElement(fragmentElement, 'beforeend', 'div', '.pagination-bar') let lastIndex = (page === lastPage) ? totalCount : configuration.pageSize*page let nDocuments = (page+1 === lastPage) ? totalCount - configuration.pageSize*page : configuration.pageSize paginationBar.classList.add('justify-content-center', 'justify-content-lg-between') let textColor = (configuration.textColor.cssClass) ? `text-${configuration.textColor.cssClass}` : '' paginationBar.innerHTML = ` <div class="pagination-results mr-0 ${textColor}">Exibindo 1 a ${lastIndex} de ${totalCount} documentos.</div> <ul class="pagination"> <li class="page-item"> <button class="btn btn-unstyled page-link" type="button"> Exibir mais ${nDocuments} documentos ${renderIcon('angle-down', spritemapClay, 'ml-2')} </button> </li> </ul> ` let showMoreButton = paginationBar.querySelector('button.page-link') if (page !== lastPage) { showMoreButton.addEventListener('click', e => { showMoreButton.querySelector('svg').remove() let loadAnimation = getNodeElement(showMoreButton, 'beforeend', 'span', '.loading-animation') loadAnimation.classList.add('loading-animation-sm', 'ml-2') fetchDocumentsPage(page+1) }) } else { showMoreButton.remove() } } // imprime um mensagem de alerta function displayAlert(style, title, msg, parentNode, position) { let styleIcons = { 'danger': 'exclamation-full', 'success': 'check-circle-full', 'info': 'info-circle', 'warning': 'warning-full' } let html = ` <div class="alert p-4 alert-${style}" role="alert"> <span class="alert-indicator"> ${renderIcon(styleIcons[style], spritemapClay, '')} </span> <strong>${title}:</strong> <p class="mt-2 mb-0">${msg}</p> </div> ` parentNode.insertAdjacentHTML(position, html) } // limpa mensagens de alerta function cleanAlerts() { let alerts = fragmentElement.querySelectorAll('.alert') alerts.forEach(alert => alert.remove()) } // imprime icone SGV function renderIcon(icon, spritemap, cssClasses) { return ` <svg class="lexicon-icon lexicon-icon-${icon} ${cssClasses}" focusable="false" role="presentation"> <use href="${spritemap}#${icon}"></use> </svg> ` } // retorna/cria um elemento html de uma classe css // ascendantNode é um nó ascendente // position é uma string 'beforeend', 'afterbegin' + // elementType uma string 'ul', 'div' etc // cssClass é uma classe css function getNodeElement(ascendantNode, position, elementType, cssClass) { let nodeElement if (ascendantNode.querySelector(cssClass)) { nodeElement = ascendantNode.querySelector(cssClass) } else { nodeElement = document.createElement(elementType) nodeElement = ascendantNode.insertAdjacentElement(position, nodeElement) nodeElement.classList.add(cssClass.slice(1)) } return nodeElement } // retorna nome amigável do campo usado como 1ª ordenação function getOrderByFieldName(orderByColumn) { let regExp = /^ddm__keyword__\d+__(.+)/ let matchExp = regExp.exec(orderByColumn) return (matchExp) ? 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3759 <![CDATA[<script>(function() {var fragmentElement = document.querySelector('#fragment-0-utke'); var configuration = {"height":"py-3"};/** * Copyright (c) 2000-present Liferay, Inc. All rights reserved. * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under * the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free * Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) * any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS * FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more * details. */;}());</script>]]>
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3846 <![CDATA[<script id="data_vnvp" type="application/json">{"title":"Remuneração de Empregados","type":0,"typeSettings":{"anyClassTypeDLFileEntryAssetRendererFactory":"47053","orderByColumn1":"ddm__keyword__47054__Ano"}}</script>]]>
3852 <![CDATA[<script>(function() {var fragmentElement = document.querySelector('#fragment-2316268-vnvp'); var configuration = {"contentSetId":"3721429","showDateConversions":false,"showModifiedDate":true,"showRefDate":false,"textAlign":"left","pageSize":"50","showYear":false,"groupBy":"noGroup","textColor":{"cssClass":"","rgbValue":""},"useTitle":false,"usePagination":false,"bottomSpacing":"3","labelForYear":"Ocorrido em","useContentSetTitle":true,"labelForRefDate":"Referente a","headingLevel":"h2","showCreateDate":true,"activeDebug":false};const editMode = document.body.classList.contains('has-edit-mode-menu') const apiURL = `${Liferay.ThemeDisplay.getPortalURL()}/o/headless-delivery` const contentSetsEndPoint = `/v1.0/content-sets/${configuration.contentSetId}/content-set-elements` const restrictFields = 'title,content.contentUrl,content.dateCreated,content.dateModified,content.documentType,content.fileExtension,content.sizeInBytes' const params = { fields: restrictFields, 'pageSize': configuration.pageSize, 'page': 1 } const pathThemeImages = Liferay.ThemeDisplay.getPathThemeImages() const spritemapBNB = `${pathThemeImages}/bnb/icons.svg` const spritemapClay = `${pathThemeImages}/clay/icons.svg` const scriptAssetListJson = fragmentElement.querySelector(`script#data_${fragmentElement.id.slice(-4)}`) const assetListObject = (scriptAssetListJson) ? 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'' : `A coleção não pode ser agrupada por ano, pois está ordenada por ${orderByColumnName}.` }, 'canGroupByMonthYear': { 'state': canGroupByMonthYear, 'msg' : canGroupByMonthYear ? '' : `A coleção não pode ser agrupada por mês e ano, pois está ordenada por ${orderByColumnName}.` }, 'canGroupByDay': { 'state': canGroupByDay, 'msg' : canGroupByDay ? '' : `A coleção não pode ser agrupada por dia, pois está ordenada por ${orderByColumnName}.` }, 'canShowRefDate': { 'state': canShowRefDate, 'msg' : canShowRefDate ? '' : 'Não é possível mostrar o campo Data de Referência. Esse metadado existe apenas em coleções de Documentos Ordinários.' }, 'canShowYear': { 'state': canShowYear, 'msg' : canShowYear ? '' : 'Não é possível mostrar o campo Ano. Esse metadado existe apenas em coleções de Documentos Anuais.' } } return validityState } // alerta sobre restrições na configuração function reportConstraints() { cleanAlerts() // alerta sobre restrições let validationMessages = [] configuration.groupBy == 'groupByYear' && !validity.canGroupByYear.state && validationMessages.push(validity.canGroupByYear.msg) configuration.groupBy == 'groupByMonthYear' && !validity.canGroupByMonthYear.state && validationMessages.push(validity.canGroupByMonthYear.msg) configuration.groupBy == 'groupByDay' && !validity.canGroupByDay.state && validationMessages.push(validity.canGroupByDay.msg) configuration.showRefDate && !validity.canShowRefDate.state && validationMessages.push(validity.canShowRefDate.msg) configuration.showYear && !validity.canShowYear.state && validationMessages.push(validity.canShowYear.msg) validationMessages.length > 0 && displayAlert('danger', 'Configuração inválida', validationMessages.join('<br/>'), documentsList, 'beforebegin') // debug if (configuration.activeDebug) { console.clear() console.log('Propriedades da Coleção:') console.log(assetListObject) console.log('Configuração do Fragmento:') console.log(configuration) console.log('Validade da Configuração:') console.log(validity) } } // principal funcao para pegar os dados function fetchDocumentsPage(page) { params.page = (page) ? page : params.page let request = Liferay.Util.addParams(params, apiURL+contentSetsEndPoint) fetch( request, { method: 'GET', headers: { 'Content-Type': 'application/json' } } ).then(response => { if (response.ok) { return response.json() } }).then(documents => { handleDocuments(documents) if (editMode && configuration.activeDebug) { console.log(`Retorno da requisição (page ${params.page}):`) console.log(documents) } }) } // manipula dados retornados da coleção function handleDocuments(documents) { loadingAnimation && loadingAnimation.remove() if (documents.items.length > 0) { switch (configuration.groupBy) { case 'noGroup': renderDocumentsList(documents) break case 'groupByYear': (validity.canGroupByYear.state) ? renderDocumentsListByGroup(documents) : renderDocumentsList(documents) break case 'groupByMonthYear': (validity.canGroupByMonthYear.state) ? renderDocumentsListByGroup(documents) : renderDocumentsList(documents) break case 'groupByDay': (validity.canGroupByDay.state) ? renderDocumentsListByGroup(documents) : renderDocumentsList(documents) break } configuration.usePagination && renderPaginationBar(documents.page, documents.lastPage, documents.totalCount) } else { displayAlert('info', 'Aviso', 'Não foram encontrados documentos', documentsList, 'afterbegin') } } // renderiza lista agrupada function renderDocumentsListByGroup(documents) { let lastListGroup = documentsList.querySelector('.list-group:last-child') let currentGroup = (lastListGroup) ? lastListGroup.dataset.group : 0 configuration.activeDebug && configuration.showDateConversions && editMode && console.log(`Extração do grupo a partir do campo ${getOrderByFieldName(assetListObject.typeSettings.orderByColumn1)}:`) documents.items.forEach(doc => { let group = getDocumentGroup(doc) if (currentGroup != group) { let listGroup = document.createElement('ul') listGroup.classList.add('list-group') listGroup.dataset.group = group listGroup.setAttribute('aria-label', `${assetListObject.title} de ${group}`) lastListGroup = documentsList.insertAdjacentElement('beforeend', listGroup) lastListGroup.insertAdjacentHTML('afterbegin', renderListGroupHeader(group)) currentGroup = group } lastListGroup.insertAdjacentHTML('beforeend', renderListGroupItem(doc)) }) } // extrai e retorna o dado (string) utilizado como agrupador (dia, mês ou ano) a partir do campo utilizado como primeira ordenação da coleção function getDocumentGroup(document) { let fieldData let group let dateField let options let test let orderByColumn = assetListObject.typeSettings.orderByColumn1 switch (orderByColumn) { case 'ddm__keyword__47047__DataReferência': fieldData = document.content.documentType.contentFields[0].contentFieldValue.data break case 'ddm__keyword__47054__Ano': fieldData = document.content.documentType.contentFields[0].contentFieldValue.data break case 'modifiedDate': fieldData = document.content.dateModified break case 'createDate': fieldData = document.content.dateCreated break case 'publishDate': // verificar esse caso por que não há uma campo data de publicação em coleções de documentos fieldData = document.content.dateCreated break } dateField = new Date(fieldData) switch (configuration.groupBy) { case 'groupByYear': test = (orderByColumn == 'ddm__keyword__47047__DataReferência' || orderByColumn == 'ddm__keyword__47054__Ano') group = test ? dateField.getUTCFullYear() : dateField.getFullYear() break case 'groupByMonthYear': test = (orderByColumn == 'ddm__keyword__47047__DataReferência') options = test ? {month:'long', year:'numeric', timeZone: 'UTC'} : { month:'long', year:'numeric' } group = dateField.toLocaleDateString('pt-BR', options) group = group.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + group.slice(1) break case 'groupByDay': test = (orderByColumn == 'ddm__keyword__47047__DataReferência') options = test ? {timeZone: 'UTC'} : {} group = dateField.toLocaleDateString('pt-BR', options) break } configuration.activeDebug && configuration.showDateConversions && editMode && console.log(`${fieldData} --> ${group}`) return group } // renderiza lista comum function renderDocumentsList(documents) { let listGroup = getNodeElement(documentsList, 'afterbegin', 'ul', '.list-group') listGroup.setAttribute('aria-label', assetListObject.title) documents.items.forEach(doc => { listGroup.insertAdjacentHTML('beforeend', renderListGroupItem(doc)) }) } // renderiza cabeçalho da lista function renderListGroupHeader(title) { let listHeaderHTML = ` <li class="list-group-header"> <span class="list-group-header-title"><big>${title}</big></span> </li> ` return listHeaderHTML } // renderiza um item da lista function renderListGroupItem(document) { let dateCreated = (configuration.showCreateDate) ? new Date(document.content.dateCreated) : null let dateCreatedHTML = (dateCreated) ? ` <div class="d-flex flex-row flex-lg-column text-lg-right ml-lg-3 mr-md-2 mr-lg-0"> <span class="small font-weight-bold text-nowrap mr-1 mr-lg-0">Publicado em</span> <span class="small">${dateCreated.toLocaleDateString('pt-BR')}</span> </div>` : '' let dateModified = (configuration.showModifiedDate) ? new Date(document.content.dateModified) : null let dateModifiedHTML = (dateModified) ? ` <div class="d-flex flex-row flex-lg-column text-lg-right ml-lg-3 mr-md-2 mr-lg-0"> <span class="small font-weight-bold text-nowrap mr-1 mr-lg-0">Atualizado em</span> <span class="small">${dateModified.toLocaleDateString('pt-BR')}</span> </div>` : '' let refDate = (configuration.showRefDate && validity.canShowRefDate.state) ? new Date(document.content.documentType.contentFields[0].contentFieldValue.data) : null let refDateHTML = (refDate) ? ` <div class="d-flex flex-row flex-lg-column text-lg-right ml-lg-3 mr-md-2 mr-lg-0"> <span class="small font-weight-bold text-nowrap mr-1 mr-lg-0">${configuration.labelForRefDate}</span> <span class="small">${refDate.toLocaleDateString('pt-BR', {timeZone: 'UTC'})}</span> </div>` : '' let year = (configuration.showYear && validity.canShowYear.state) ? document.content.documentType.contentFields[0].contentFieldValue.data : null let yearHTML = (year) ? ` <div class="d-flex flex-row flex-lg-column text-lg-right ml-lg-3 mr-md-2 mr-lg-0"> <span class="small font-weight-bold text-nowrap mr-1 mr-lg-0">${configuration.labelForYear}</span> <span class="small">${year}</span> </div>` : '' let hasMetadatas = (year || refDate || dateCreated || dateModified) let metadataHTML = (hasMetadatas) ? ` <div class="d-flex flex-column flex-md-row"> ${yearHTML} ${refDateHTML} ${dateCreatedHTML} ${dateModifiedHTML} </div>` : '' let listItemHTML = ` <li class="list-group-item list-group-item-flex align-items-center"> <div class="autofit-col"> <svg class="lexicon-icon text-tertiary lexicon-icon-lg" focusable="false" role="presentation" viewBox="0 0 512 512"> <use xlink:href="${spritemapBNB}#arquivo-${document.content.fileExtension}" /> </svg> </div> <div class="autofit-col autofit-col-expand"> <div class="d-flex flex-column flex-lg-row justify-content-start justify-content-lg-between"> <div class="d-flex flex-column"> <span class="list-group-title"> <a href="${document.content.contentUrl}">${document.title}</a> </span> <span class="list-group-subtitle text-uppercase small"> ${document.content.fileExtension}, ${Liferay.Util.formatStorage(document.content.sizeInBytes, {addSpaceBeforeSuffix: true})} </span> </div> ${metadataHTML} </div> </div> </li> ` return listItemHTML } // renderiza paginação function renderPaginationBar(page, lastPage, totalCount) { let paginationBar = getNodeElement(fragmentElement, 'beforeend', 'div', '.pagination-bar') let lastIndex = (page === lastPage) ? totalCount : configuration.pageSize*page let nDocuments = (page+1 === lastPage) ? totalCount - configuration.pageSize*page : configuration.pageSize paginationBar.classList.add('justify-content-center', 'justify-content-lg-between') let textColor = (configuration.textColor.cssClass) ? `text-${configuration.textColor.cssClass}` : '' paginationBar.innerHTML = ` <div class="pagination-results mr-0 ${textColor}">Exibindo 1 a ${lastIndex} de ${totalCount} documentos.</div> <ul class="pagination"> <li class="page-item"> <button class="btn btn-unstyled page-link" type="button"> Exibir mais ${nDocuments} documentos ${renderIcon('angle-down', spritemapClay, 'ml-2')} </button> </li> </ul> ` let showMoreButton = paginationBar.querySelector('button.page-link') if (page !== lastPage) { showMoreButton.addEventListener('click', e => { showMoreButton.querySelector('svg').remove() let loadAnimation = getNodeElement(showMoreButton, 'beforeend', 'span', '.loading-animation') loadAnimation.classList.add('loading-animation-sm', 'ml-2') fetchDocumentsPage(page+1) }) } else { showMoreButton.remove() } } // imprime um mensagem de alerta function displayAlert(style, title, msg, parentNode, position) { let styleIcons = { 'danger': 'exclamation-full', 'success': 'check-circle-full', 'info': 'info-circle', 'warning': 'warning-full' } let html = ` <div class="alert p-4 alert-${style}" role="alert"> <span class="alert-indicator"> ${renderIcon(styleIcons[style], spritemapClay, '')} </span> <strong>${title}:</strong> <p class="mt-2 mb-0">${msg}</p> </div> ` parentNode.insertAdjacentHTML(position, html) } // limpa mensagens de alerta function cleanAlerts() { let alerts = fragmentElement.querySelectorAll('.alert') alerts.forEach(alert => alert.remove()) } // imprime icone SGV function renderIcon(icon, spritemap, cssClasses) { return ` <svg class="lexicon-icon lexicon-icon-${icon} ${cssClasses}" focusable="false" role="presentation"> <use href="${spritemap}#${icon}"></use> </svg> ` } // retorna/cria um elemento html de uma classe css // ascendantNode é um nó ascendente // position é uma string 'beforeend', 'afterbegin' + // elementType uma string 'ul', 'div' etc // cssClass é uma classe css function getNodeElement(ascendantNode, position, elementType, cssClass) { let nodeElement if (ascendantNode.querySelector(cssClass)) { nodeElement = ascendantNode.querySelector(cssClass) } else { nodeElement = document.createElement(elementType) nodeElement = ascendantNode.insertAdjacentElement(position, nodeElement) nodeElement.classList.add(cssClass.slice(1)) } return nodeElement } // retorna nome amigável do campo usado como 1ª ordenação function getOrderByFieldName(orderByColumn) { let regExp = /^ddm__keyword__\d+__(.+)/ let matchExp = regExp.exec(orderByColumn) return (matchExp) ? matchExp[1] : Liferay.Language.get(orderByColumn) };}());</script>]]>
4263 <![CDATA[<script>(function() {var fragmentElement = document.querySelector('#fragment-0-invp'); var configuration = {"textAlign":"left","bottomSpacing":"3","headingLevel":"h3","textColor":{"cssClass":"white","rgbValue":"rgb(230, 230, 230)"}};/** * Copyright (c) 2000-present Liferay, Inc. All rights reserved. * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under * the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free * Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) * any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS * FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more * details. */;}());</script>]]>
4283 <![CDATA[<script>(function() {var fragmentElement = document.querySelector('#fragment-0-cinu'); var configuration = {"textAlign":"left","bottomSpacing":"3","textColor":{"cssClass":"white","rgbValue":"rgb(230, 230, 230)"}};/** * Copyright (c) 2000-present Liferay, Inc. All rights reserved. * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under * the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free * Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) * any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS * FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more * details. */;}());</script>]]>
4302 <![CDATA[<script id="data_geqw" type="application/json">{"title":"Diárias e Passagens","type":0,"typeSettings":{"anyClassTypeDLFileEntryAssetRendererFactory":"47053","orderByColumn1":"ddm__keyword__47054__Ano"}}</script>]]>
4308 <![CDATA[<script>(function() {var fragmentElement = document.querySelector('#fragment-2316268-geqw'); var configuration = {"contentSetId":"2707193","showDateConversions":false,"showModifiedDate":true,"showRefDate":false,"textAlign":"left","pageSize":"5","showYear":false,"groupBy":"noGroup","textColor":{"cssClass":"white","rgbValue":"rgb(230, 230, 230)"},"useTitle":false,"usePagination":true,"bottomSpacing":"3","labelForYear":"Ocorrido em","useContentSetTitle":true,"labelForRefDate":"Referente a","headingLevel":"h2","showCreateDate":true,"activeDebug":false};const editMode = document.body.classList.contains('has-edit-mode-menu') const apiURL = `${Liferay.ThemeDisplay.getPortalURL()}/o/headless-delivery` const contentSetsEndPoint = `/v1.0/content-sets/${configuration.contentSetId}/content-set-elements` const restrictFields = 'title,content.contentUrl,content.dateCreated,content.dateModified,content.documentType,content.fileExtension,content.sizeInBytes' const params = { fields: restrictFields, 'pageSize': configuration.pageSize, 'page': 1 } const pathThemeImages = Liferay.ThemeDisplay.getPathThemeImages() const spritemapBNB = `${pathThemeImages}/bnb/icons.svg` const spritemapClay = `${pathThemeImages}/clay/icons.svg` const scriptAssetListJson = fragmentElement.querySelector(`script#data_${fragmentElement.id.slice(-4)}`) const assetListObject = (scriptAssetListJson) ? JSON.parse(scriptAssetListJson.text) : null const documentsList = fragmentElement.querySelector('.documents-list') const loadingAnimation = fragmentElement.querySelector('.loading-animation') const orderByYearAttrs = ['modifiedDate', 'createDate', 'publishDate', 'ddm__keyword__47047__DataReferência', 'ddm__keyword__47054__Ano'] const orderByMonthYearAttrs = ['modifiedDate', 'createDate', 'publishDate', 'ddm__keyword__47047__DataReferência'] const orderByDayAttrs = ['modifiedDate', 'createDate', 'publishDate', 'ddm__keyword__47047__DataReferência'] const fileEntryTypes = { 'docOrdin': 47046, 'docAnual': 47053 } const validity = (assetListObject) ? validateConfiguration() : null validity && init() // funcao de inicialização function init() { fragmentElement.classList.add('mb-4') editMode && reportConstraints() fetchDocumentsPage() } // constrói um objeto para verificar status de validade de algumas configurações function validateConfiguration() { let orderByColumn = assetListObject.typeSettings.orderByColumn1 let orderByColumnName = getOrderByFieldName(orderByColumn) let canGroupByYear = orderByYearAttrs.includes(orderByColumn) let canGroupByMonthYear = orderByMonthYearAttrs.includes(orderByColumn) let canGroupByDay = orderByDayAttrs.includes(orderByColumn) let canShowRefDate = (assetListObject.typeSettings.anyClassTypeDLFileEntryAssetRendererFactory == fileEntryTypes.docOrdin) let canShowYear = (assetListObject.typeSettings.anyClassTypeDLFileEntryAssetRendererFactory == fileEntryTypes.docAnual) let validityState = { 'canGroupByYear': { 'state': canGroupByYear, 'msg' : canGroupByYear ? '' : `A coleção não pode ser agrupada por ano, pois está ordenada por ${orderByColumnName}.` }, 'canGroupByMonthYear': { 'state': canGroupByMonthYear, 'msg' : canGroupByMonthYear ? '' : `A coleção não pode ser agrupada por mês e ano, pois está ordenada por ${orderByColumnName}.` }, 'canGroupByDay': { 'state': canGroupByDay, 'msg' : canGroupByDay ? '' : `A coleção não pode ser agrupada por dia, pois está ordenada por ${orderByColumnName}.` }, 'canShowRefDate': { 'state': canShowRefDate, 'msg' : canShowRefDate ? '' : 'Não é possível mostrar o campo Data de Referência. Esse metadado existe apenas em coleções de Documentos Ordinários.' }, 'canShowYear': { 'state': canShowYear, 'msg' : canShowYear ? '' : 'Não é possível mostrar o campo Ano. Esse metadado existe apenas em coleções de Documentos Anuais.' } } return validityState } // alerta sobre restrições na configuração function reportConstraints() { cleanAlerts() // alerta sobre restrições let validationMessages = [] configuration.groupBy == 'groupByYear' && !validity.canGroupByYear.state && validationMessages.push(validity.canGroupByYear.msg) configuration.groupBy == 'groupByMonthYear' && !validity.canGroupByMonthYear.state && validationMessages.push(validity.canGroupByMonthYear.msg) configuration.groupBy == 'groupByDay' && !validity.canGroupByDay.state && validationMessages.push(validity.canGroupByDay.msg) configuration.showRefDate && !validity.canShowRefDate.state && validationMessages.push(validity.canShowRefDate.msg) configuration.showYear && !validity.canShowYear.state && validationMessages.push(validity.canShowYear.msg) validationMessages.length > 0 && displayAlert('danger', 'Configuração inválida', validationMessages.join('<br/>'), documentsList, 'beforebegin') // debug if (configuration.activeDebug) { console.clear() console.log('Propriedades da Coleção:') console.log(assetListObject) console.log('Configuração do Fragmento:') console.log(configuration) console.log('Validade da Configuração:') console.log(validity) } } // principal funcao para pegar os dados function fetchDocumentsPage(page) { params.page = (page) ? page : params.page let request = Liferay.Util.addParams(params, apiURL+contentSetsEndPoint) fetch( request, { method: 'GET', headers: { 'Content-Type': 'application/json' } } ).then(response => { if (response.ok) { return response.json() } }).then(documents => { handleDocuments(documents) if (editMode && configuration.activeDebug) { console.log(`Retorno da requisição (page ${params.page}):`) console.log(documents) } }) } // manipula dados retornados da coleção function handleDocuments(documents) { loadingAnimation && loadingAnimation.remove() if (documents.items.length > 0) { switch (configuration.groupBy) { case 'noGroup': renderDocumentsList(documents) break case 'groupByYear': (validity.canGroupByYear.state) ? renderDocumentsListByGroup(documents) : renderDocumentsList(documents) break case 'groupByMonthYear': (validity.canGroupByMonthYear.state) ? renderDocumentsListByGroup(documents) : renderDocumentsList(documents) break case 'groupByDay': (validity.canGroupByDay.state) ? renderDocumentsListByGroup(documents) : renderDocumentsList(documents) break } configuration.usePagination && renderPaginationBar(documents.page, documents.lastPage, documents.totalCount) } else { displayAlert('info', 'Aviso', 'Não foram encontrados documentos', documentsList, 'afterbegin') } } // renderiza lista agrupada function renderDocumentsListByGroup(documents) { let lastListGroup = documentsList.querySelector('.list-group:last-child') let currentGroup = (lastListGroup) ? lastListGroup.dataset.group : 0 configuration.activeDebug && configuration.showDateConversions && editMode && console.log(`Extração do grupo a partir do campo ${getOrderByFieldName(assetListObject.typeSettings.orderByColumn1)}:`) documents.items.forEach(doc => { let group = getDocumentGroup(doc) if (currentGroup != group) { let listGroup = document.createElement('ul') listGroup.classList.add('list-group') listGroup.dataset.group = group listGroup.setAttribute('aria-label', `${assetListObject.title} de ${group}`) lastListGroup = documentsList.insertAdjacentElement('beforeend', listGroup) lastListGroup.insertAdjacentHTML('afterbegin', renderListGroupHeader(group)) currentGroup = group } lastListGroup.insertAdjacentHTML('beforeend', renderListGroupItem(doc)) }) } // extrai e retorna o dado (string) utilizado como agrupador (dia, mês ou ano) a partir do campo utilizado como primeira ordenação da coleção function getDocumentGroup(document) { let fieldData let group let dateField let options let test let orderByColumn = assetListObject.typeSettings.orderByColumn1 switch (orderByColumn) { case 'ddm__keyword__47047__DataReferência': fieldData = document.content.documentType.contentFields[0].contentFieldValue.data break case 'ddm__keyword__47054__Ano': fieldData = document.content.documentType.contentFields[0].contentFieldValue.data break case 'modifiedDate': fieldData = document.content.dateModified break case 'createDate': fieldData = document.content.dateCreated break case 'publishDate': // verificar esse caso por que não há uma campo data de publicação em coleções de documentos fieldData = document.content.dateCreated break } dateField = new Date(fieldData) switch (configuration.groupBy) { case 'groupByYear': test = (orderByColumn == 'ddm__keyword__47047__DataReferência' || orderByColumn == 'ddm__keyword__47054__Ano') group = test ? dateField.getUTCFullYear() : dateField.getFullYear() break case 'groupByMonthYear': test = (orderByColumn == 'ddm__keyword__47047__DataReferência') options = test ? {month:'long', year:'numeric', timeZone: 'UTC'} : { month:'long', year:'numeric' } group = dateField.toLocaleDateString('pt-BR', options) group = group.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + group.slice(1) break case 'groupByDay': test = (orderByColumn == 'ddm__keyword__47047__DataReferência') options = test ? {timeZone: 'UTC'} : {} group = dateField.toLocaleDateString('pt-BR', options) break } configuration.activeDebug && configuration.showDateConversions && editMode && console.log(`${fieldData} --> ${group}`) return group } // renderiza lista comum function renderDocumentsList(documents) { let listGroup = getNodeElement(documentsList, 'afterbegin', 'ul', '.list-group') listGroup.setAttribute('aria-label', assetListObject.title) documents.items.forEach(doc => { listGroup.insertAdjacentHTML('beforeend', renderListGroupItem(doc)) }) } // renderiza cabeçalho da lista function renderListGroupHeader(title) { let listHeaderHTML = ` <li class="list-group-header"> <span class="list-group-header-title"><big>${title}</big></span> </li> ` return listHeaderHTML } // renderiza um item da lista function renderListGroupItem(document) { let dateCreated = (configuration.showCreateDate) ? new Date(document.content.dateCreated) : null let dateCreatedHTML = (dateCreated) ? ` <div class="d-flex flex-row flex-lg-column text-lg-right ml-lg-3 mr-md-2 mr-lg-0"> <span class="small font-weight-bold text-nowrap mr-1 mr-lg-0">Publicado em</span> <span class="small">${dateCreated.toLocaleDateString('pt-BR')}</span> </div>` : '' let dateModified = (configuration.showModifiedDate) ? new Date(document.content.dateModified) : null let dateModifiedHTML = (dateModified) ? ` <div class="d-flex flex-row flex-lg-column text-lg-right ml-lg-3 mr-md-2 mr-lg-0"> <span class="small font-weight-bold text-nowrap mr-1 mr-lg-0">Atualizado em</span> <span class="small">${dateModified.toLocaleDateString('pt-BR')}</span> </div>` : '' let refDate = (configuration.showRefDate && validity.canShowRefDate.state) ? new Date(document.content.documentType.contentFields[0].contentFieldValue.data) : null let refDateHTML = (refDate) ? ` <div class="d-flex flex-row flex-lg-column text-lg-right ml-lg-3 mr-md-2 mr-lg-0"> <span class="small font-weight-bold text-nowrap mr-1 mr-lg-0">${configuration.labelForRefDate}</span> <span class="small">${refDate.toLocaleDateString('pt-BR', {timeZone: 'UTC'})}</span> </div>` : '' let year = (configuration.showYear && validity.canShowYear.state) ? 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