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Sites Verificados

Lista com todos os sítios que foram verificados pela TIC Web Acessibilidade. Dentro de cada domínio, há informações detalhadas sobre as páginas coletadas, bem como os erros e avisos de cada uma *.

Endereço Nota Erros Avisos


74.73 25 93
Recomendações Avaliadas
2.2 Garantir que os objetos programáveis sejam acessíveis.


Número Descrição Quantidade Linhas Código Fonte
2.2.6 Presença do elemento SCRIPT sem o elemento NOSCRIPT 4 159 498 696 1193
159 <![CDATA[<script> var url = '/poll'; jQ = jQuery.noConflict(); // jQ.noConflict(); jQ(function() { configureCaptcha(); refreshCaptcha(); var rating = jQ( ".divRating" ); var sendRating = jQ( "#sendRating" ); rating.popup({ position:'bottom left' }); rating.hover(function() { jQ('.iconCustom').transition('jiggle'); }); rating.click(function() { sendRating.addClass("disabled"); jQ('#modalRating').modal({ onVisible: function () { rating.popup({ position:'bottom left' }); } }).modal('show'); jQ('.iconCustom').transition('jiggle'); }); sendRating.click(function() { var result = parseInt(jQ('.captchaV1').text())+ parseInt(jQ('.captchaV2').text()); if(parseInt(result) === parseInt(jQ('input.resultCaptcha').val())){ // console.log(jQ('#ratingForm').rating('get rating')); sendEvaluation(url); }else jQ('.iconCustom').transition('jiggle'); }); }); function refreshCaptcha() { jQ('.refreshCaptcha').click(function() { a = Math.ceil(Math.random() * 10); b = Math.ceil(Math.random() * 10); c = jQ('input.resultCaptcha').val(''); jQ('.captchaV1').text(a); jQ('.captchaV2').text(b); jQ('input.resultCaptcha').focus(); jQ('#sendRating').addClass("disabled"); }); } function configureCaptcha() { jQ('input.resultCaptcha').on('input',function(e){ var result = parseInt(jQ('.captchaV1').text())+ parseInt(jQ('.captchaV2').text()); // console.log(result); // console.log(jQ('input.resultCaptcha').val()); if(parseInt(result) === parseInt(jQ('input.resultCaptcha').val())){ jQ('#sendRating').removeClass("disabled"); }else{ jQ('#sendRating').addClass("disabled"); } }); jQ('#ratingForm').rating({ initialRating: 3, maxRating: 5 }); var a = Math.ceil(Math.random() * 10); var b = Math.ceil(Math.random() * 10); jQ('.captchaV1').text(a); jQ('.captchaV2').text(b); } function sendEvaluation(url) { var resultCaptcha = parseInt(jQ('.captchaV1').text()) + parseInt(jQ('.captchaV2').text()); var validateCaptcha = jQ('input.resultCaptcha').val(); var ratingValue = jQ('#ratingForm').rating('get rating'); var data = {operation: "saveEvaluation", ratingValue: ratingValue, resultCaptcha: resultCaptcha, validateCaptcha: validateCaptcha }; jQ.post(url, data, function (res) { // console.log(res); if(res.indexOf("success") >= 0){ jQ('#modalRating').modal('hide'); jQ('div.divRating') .popup({ delay: { hide: 900 }, position : 'right center', target : 'div.divRating', title : 'Avaliação!', content : 'Sua avaliação foi registrada, Obrigado!' }).popup('show'); }else{ jQ('#modalRating').modal('hide'); jQ('div.divRating') .popup({ delay: { hide: 900 }, position : 'right center', target : 'div.divRating', title : 'Avaliação incorreta!', content : 'Avaliação não foi registrada!' }).popup('show'); } }); } </script>]]>
498 <![CDATA[<script> function enviaForm(){ var form = document.getElementById('default'); form.target='_blank'; form.method='post'; form.action = '/periodicos'; form.submit(); } var capturando=""; var place = document.getElementById('input').placeholder; function enviaDefault() { var form = document.getElementById('default'); form.method='get'; form.action = '/simple-search'; form.submit(); } </script>]]>
696 <![CDATA[<script> var nameDialog = null; function OpenInNewTabWinBrowser(url) { var win = window.open(url, '_blank'); if (win) { //Browser has allowed it to be opened win.focus(); } else { //Browser has blocked it alert('Por favor, habilite os popups para este site para realizar o download'); } } var configuration = ({ afterClose: function (event) { if (getCookie('capes-download-term-accepted') == 'accepted') { // var uriDl = jQ("#callerUrl").val(); // OpenInNewTabWinBrowser(bslink); // window.location = getBsLink(); setCookie('capes-download-term-accepted', 'undefined', 30); } } }); function formatDcCreator(){ var test = jQ("#dccontributor").html() + "<br/>" +jQ("#dccreator").html(); if(jQ("#dccreator").html() != undefined){ jQ("#dccontributor").html(test); } } window.bslink = null; function configureCheckbox(intranet,condition,bslink) { jQ('.ui.checkbox').checkbox({ onChecked: function () { condition = jQ(this).val(); validateModal(intranet,condition,bslink); // console.log(condition); } }); } function validateModal(intranet,condition,bslink) { jQ('.longer.modal').modal({ closable : true, onApprove : function() { // console.log('Approved!'); // console.log(intranet," ",condition); if(condition === "yep"){ if(intranet != null){ bslink = bslink.children("#bsLinkClick").text(); OpenInNewTabWinBrowser(bslink); bslink = ""; condition = ""; jQ('.ui.checkbox').checkbox('uncheck'); }else{ bslink = bslink.children("#bitLink").text(); OpenInNewTabWinBrowser(bslink); bslink = ""; condition = ""; jQ('.ui.checkbox').checkbox('uncheck'); } }else{ bslink = ""; condition = ""; jQ('.ui.checkbox').checkbox('uncheck'); } } }) } function getBsLink(intranet,condition){ jQ(".btn.btnItemSelecionado").click(function (){ jQ('.longer.modal').modal('show'); configureCheckbox(intranet,condition,jQ(this)); // validateModal(intranet,condition); }); } jQ(document).ready(function () { var condition = ""; getBsLink(null,condition); formatDcCreator(); jQ("#itemFilesListt").find("a").click(function (event) { var downloadChoice = getCookie('capes-download-term-accepted'); if (downloadChoice == undefined || downloadChoice != 'accepted') { event.preventDefault(); jQ("#callerUrl").val(bslink); jQ.featherlight(jQ("#download-term"), configuration); } }); jQ('#submit-term-option').click(function () { if (jQ("input[name='download-term-option']:checked").val() == 'true') { setCookie('capes-download-term-accepted', 'accepted', 30); } jQ.featherlight.current().close(); }); jQ('#submiteva').click(function (event) { var vuser = 'null'; var vitemid = document.getElementById('item_id').value; if (document.getElementById('grade1').checked) { var vgrade = 1; } else if (document.getElementById('grade2').checked) { var vgrade = 2; } else if (document.getElementById('grade3').checked) { var vgrade = 3; } else if (document.getElementById('grade4').checked) { var vgrade = 4; } else if (document.getElementById('grade5').checked) { var vgrade = 5; } else { alert('Escolha uma nota!'); } jQ.ajax({ url: '/evaluation-insert', data: {'grade': vgrade, 'item_id': vitemid}, success: function (responseText) { jQ('#response-evaluation').text(responseText); } }); }); jQ('#popup').click(function (event) { event.preventDefault(); if (!nameDialog) // First time... nameDialog = jQ.featherlight(jQ("#popupContact"), {'persist': true}); else // After that... nameDialog.open(); }); jQ('#send-denun').click(function () { if (document.getElementById('msg-d').value == "") { alert("O campo motivo é obrigatório!"); } else { var vname = document.getElementById('name-d').value; var vemail = document.getElementById('email-d').value; var vmsg = document.getElementById('msg-d').value; var vitemid = document.getElementById('item_id1').value; jQ.ajax({ url: '/evaluation-insert', data: {'vname': vname, 'vemail': vemail, 'vmsg': vmsg, 'vitemid': vitemid}, success: function (responseText) { jQ('#response-evaluation').text(responseText); } }); /*document.getElementById('abc').style.display = "none";*/ jQ.featherlight.current().close(); alert("Denuncia enviada com sucesso..."); } }); }); </script>]]>
1193 <![CDATA[<script> jQ.fn.raty.defaults.path = '/static/lib/images'; jQ(function () { jQ('#raty1').raty(); jQ('#raty2').raty({ click: function (score, evt) { var vuser = 'null'; var vitemid = document.getElementById('item_id').value; jQ.ajax({ url: '/evaluation-insert', data: {'grade': score, 'item_id': vitemid}, success: function (responseText) { jQ('#response-evaluation').text(responseText); } }); }, score: function () { return jQ(this).attr('data-score'); } }); }); // jQ('#submitBtn').click(function() { // /* when the button in the form, display the entered values in the modal */ // jQ('#lname').text(jQ('#lastname').val()); // jQ('#fname').text(jQ('#firstname').val()); // }); // // jQ('#submit').click(function(){ // /* when the submit button in the modal is clicked, submit the form */ // alert('submitting'); // jQ('#formfield').submit(); //// jQ('#'). // // }); // // jQ('#submit').onclick(function(){ // /* when the submit button in the modal is clicked, submit the form */ // jQ('#modall').modal.('hide'); // // }); // jQ('#submit').submit(function(e) { // e.preventDefault(); // // Coding // jQ('#modall').modal('toggle'); //or jQ('#IDModal').modal('hide'); // return false; // }); </script>]]>