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Sites Verificados

Lista com todos os sítios que foram verificados pela TIC Web Acessibilidade. Dentro de cada domínio, há informações detalhadas sobre as páginas coletadas, bem como os erros e avisos de cada uma *.

Endereço Nota Erros Avisos


76.23 33 129
Recomendações Avaliadas
1.1 Respeitar os Padrões Web.


Número Descrição Quantidade Linhas Código Fonte
1.1.3 Presença de CSS(s) in-line 4 297 527 529 530
1.1.4 Presença de CSS(s) interno 5 317 344 390 502 790
1.1.5 Presença de javascript(s) in-line 8 85 86 87 88 297 380 384 495
1.1.6 Presença de javascript(s) interno 8 438 543 643 648 709 746 785 879
297 <![CDATA[<button onclick="document.getElementById('busca').focus();" class="search_button button button_orange_hover" style="color: #383e44;"> <i class="fa fa-search"></i> </button>]]>
527 <![CDATA[<hr style="border-top-color: #3e454c " />]]>
529 <![CDATA[<div style="text-align: center;"> <a target="_blank" href="compartilhar.php?id_conteudo=433"> <i style="color:#1b651a" class="fas fa-share-alt fa-2x"></i> Compartilhar</a> </div>]]>
530 <![CDATA[<i style="color:#1b651a" class="fas fa-share-alt fa-2x"></i>]]>
317 <![CDATA[<style> /* Recebe valor do menu inicio e troca a cor de border-bottom, background e hover no elemento menu_inicio */ .main_menu.menu_var2>ul>li:nth-child(1)>a { border-bottom: 2px solid #1f73b7 !important; } .main_menu.menu_var2>ul>li:nth-child(1):hover>a, .main_menu.menu_var3>ul>li:nth-child(1):hover>a, .main_menu.menu_var2>ul>li.custom>a { background: #1f73b7 !important; color: #fff; } li.custom:hover>a { background: #1f73b7 !important; } </style>]]>
344 <![CDATA[<style> .text_title{ margin-top: -88px; margin-right: 25px; font-style: bold; font-weight: bold; } .list_items { margin-top: -58px; margin-right: 45px; } ul.list-link a.clicked { border-bottom: 3px solid #ff5c00; } a.nav-link a:active { background-color: #ff5c00; } </style>]]>
390 <![CDATA[<style> .heart{ background-color: white; height: 70px; width: 70px; position: absolute; top: 43%; left: 45%; transform: rotate(45deg); animation: beat 2s infinite; cursor: pointer; opacity: 0.1; } @keyframes beat{ 25%{ transform: scale(1.5); } 50%{ transform: rotate(45deg) scale(0.5); } 75%{ transform: rotate(90deg) scale(1.5); } 100%{ transform: rotate(45deg) scale(0.5); } } .heart-l,.heart-r{ background-color: white; height: 40px; width: 70px; position: relative; border-radius: 70px 70px 0 0; } .heart-l{ bottom: 38px; } .heart-r{ bottom: 25px; right: 53px; transform: rotate(-90deg); } </style>]]>
502 <![CDATA[<style> #mouse_over { opacity: 0; } #mouse_over:hover { opacity: 1; } </style>]]>
790 <![CDATA[<style> .botaoacessibilidade { background: transparent; } /* ..................................................................................................... */ /* ALTO CONTRASTE */ .contrast, .contrast nav, .contrast div, .contrast li, .contrast ol, .contrast header, .contrast footer, .contrast section, .contrast main, .contrast aside, .contrast article { background: black !important; color: white !important; } .contrast h1, .contrast h2, .contrast h3, .contrast h4, .contrast h5, .contrast h6, .contrast p, .contrast label, .contrast strong, .contrast em, .contrast cite, .contrast q, .contrast i, .contrast b, .contrast u, .contrast span { color: white !important; } .contrast a { color: yellow !important; } .contrast .dropdown_list>li a, .sort_list>li a { background: #000; color: yellow !important; } .contrast button, .contrast input[type=button], .contrast input[type=reset], .contrast input[type=submit] { background: black !important; color: yellow !important; border: none !important; } .contrast input[type=text], .contrast input[type=password], .contrast input[type=url], .contrast input[type=search], .contrast input[type=email], .contrast input[type=tel], .contrast input[type=date], .contrast input[type=month], .contrast input[type=week], .contrast input[type=datetime], .contrast input[type=datetime-local], .contrast textarea, .contrast input[type=number] { background: black !important; border: 1px solid white !important; color: white !important; } .contrast img.on-contrast-force-gray { filter: grayscale(100%) contrast(120%); } .contrast img.on-contrast-force-white { filter: brightness(0) invert(1); } </style>]]>
85 <![CDATA[<a href="#" onclick="fonte('a');" class="tr_delay_hover default_t_color"> ;A+ ; Mais </a>]]>
86 <![CDATA[<a href="#" onclick="fonte('n');" class="tr_delay_hover default_t_color"> ;A ; Padrão </a>]]>
87 <![CDATA[<a href="#" onclick="fonte('d');" class="tr_delay_hover default_t_color"> ;A- ; Menos </a>]]>
88 <![CDATA[<a href="#altocontraste" id="altocontraste" accesskey="3" onclick="window.toggleContrast()" onkeydown="window.toggleContrast()" class="tr_delay_hover default_t_color"> ;◑ ; Contraste </a>]]>
297 <![CDATA[<button onclick="document.getElementById('busca').focus();" class="search_button button button_orange_hover" style="color: #383e44;"> <i class="fa fa-search"></i> </button>]]>
380 <![CDATA[<a onclick="demo.showNotification('dark', 'topRight', ':)', 'Total de Favoritos: ' + document.getElementById('total_favorito').innerHTML, '');" href="#"> <i class="fa fa fa-heart-o d_inline_m m_right_3"></i> <span id="total_favorito">0</span> </a>]]>
384 <![CDATA[<a onclick="demo.showNotification('dark', 'topRight', ':)', 'Total de Acessos: ' + document.getElementById('total_acesso').innerHTML, '');" href="#"> <i class="fa fa-eye d_inline_m m_right_3"></i> <span id="total_acesso"></span> </a>]]>
495 <![CDATA[<a onclick="busca_lat_lng()"> <div class="heart"> <div class="heart-l"></div> <div class="heart-r"></div> </div> </a>]]>
438 <![CDATA[<script> function conta_favorito() { $.ajax({ type: "POST", url: "favorito_atualiza.php", async: true, data: { id_conteudo: 433 }, dataType: 'html', success: function (data) { console.log('total_favorito'); console.log(data); document.getElementById('total_favorito').innerHTML = data; }, error: function (err) { console.log(err); } }); } function busca_lat_lng() { $lng = null; $lat = null; if (!('geolocation' in navigator)) { alert("Navegador não tem suporte API Geolocation"); } else { navigator.geolocation.getCurrentPosition(function (posicao) { $lat = posicao.coords.latitude; $lng = posicao.coords.longitude; $('#lat').val($lat); $('#lng').val($lng); sendform_favorito(); //favoritar.js }); } } conta_favorito(); //entrada carregando contagem </script>]]>
543 <![CDATA[<script> $('.nav-link').click(function(e){ $('.nav-link').css("color", "black"); $(this).css("color", "red"); }); </script>]]>
643 <![CDATA[<script> $(function() { $('audio').audioPlayer(); }); </script>]]>
648 <![CDATA[<script> /* var colors = [['#fa985d', '#ffffff']], circles = []; var child = document.getElementById('circles-4'); circles.push(Circles.create({ id: child.id, value: 8, radius: 19, width: 3, maxValue: 10, duration: 1000, text: function (value) { return value; }, colors: ['#fa985d', '#ffffff'] })); var child = document.getElementById('circles-5'); circles.push(Circles.create({ id: child.id, value: 7.7, radius: 19, width: 3, maxValue: 10, duration: 1000, text: function (value) { return value; }, colors: ['#fa985d', '#ffffff'] })); var child = document.getElementById('circles-6'); circles.push(Circles.create({ id: child.id, value: 9.2, radius: 19, width: 3, maxValue: 10, duration: 1000, text: function (value) { return value; }, colors: ['#fa985d', '#ffffff'] })); var child = document.getElementById('circles-1'); circles.push(Circles.create({ id: child.id, value: 6.5, radius: 19, width: 3, maxValue: 10, duration: 1000, text: function (value) { return value; }, colors: ['#fa985d', '#ffffff'] })); */ </script>]]>
709 <![CDATA[<script> //galeria noticia_detalhe // flexslider-2 // The slider being synced must be initialized first $('#carousel').flexslider({ animation: "slide", controlNav: false, directionNav: false, animationLoop: false, slideshow: false, prevText: '', nextText: '', itemWidth: 100, asNavFor: '#slider' }); $('#slider').flexslider({ animation: "slide", controlNav: false, animationLoop: false, animationSpeed: 1000, prevText: '', nextText: '', slideshow: false, sync: "#carousel" }); </script>]]>
746 <![CDATA[<script> function wrapper_container(cor) { $('#wrapper_container').css({ background: cor }); } function menu_inicio(cor) { $('#menu_inicio').css({ background: cor }); } function h_top_part(cor) { $('#h_top_part').css({ background: cor }); } function h_bot_part(cor) { $('#h_bot_part').css({ background: cor }); } function footer_middle_part(cor) { $('#footer_middle_part').css({ background: cor }); } function footer_bottom_part(cor) { $('#footer_bottom_part').css({ background: cor }); } </script>]]>
785 <![CDATA[<script> new window.VLibras.Widget('https://vlibras.gov.br/app'); </script>]]>
879 <![CDATA[<script> (function() { var Contrast = { storage: 'contrastState', cssClass: 'contrast', currentState: null, check: checkContrast, getState: getContrastState, setState: setContrastState, toogle: toogleContrast, updateView: updateViewContrast }; window.toggleContrast = function() { Contrast.toogle(); }; Contrast.check(); function checkContrast() { this.updateView(); } function getContrastState() { return localStorage.getItem(this.storage) === 'true'; } function setContrastState(state) { localStorage.setItem(this.storage, '' + state); this.currentState = state; this.updateView(); } function updateViewContrast() { var body = document.body; //var link_acess = document.getElementById("link_acess"); if (this.currentState === null) this.currentState = this.getState(); if (this.currentState) { //adriano mexi 10/11 body.classList.add(this.cssClass); // link_acess.style.display = "block"; // link_acess.style.padding = "7px 15px;"; // link_acess.style.background = "#f2f2f2"; // link_acess.style.color = "#212428;" } else { //adriano mexi body.classList.remove(this.cssClass); //link_acess.classList.remove("link_acess"); } } function toogleContrast() { this.setState(!this.currentState); } })(); function fonte(e) { var elemento = $(".acessibilidade"); var fonte = parseInt(elemento.css('font-size')); var body = $("body"); const fonteNormal = parseInt(body.css('font-size')); if (e == 'a') { fonte++; } if (e == 'd') { fonte--; } if (e == 'n') { fonte = fonteNormal; } elemento.css("fontSize", fonte); } </script>]]>