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Lista com todos os sítios que foram verificados pela TIC Web Acessibilidade. Dentro de cada domínio, há informações detalhadas sobre as páginas coletadas, bem como os erros e avisos de cada uma *.

Endereço Nota Erros Avisos


74.01 17 27
Recomendações Avaliadas
2.2 Garantir que os objetos programáveis sejam acessíveis.


Número Descrição Quantidade Linhas Código Fonte
2.2.6 Presença do elemento SCRIPT sem o elemento NOSCRIPT 1 234
234 <![CDATA[<script> $(document).ready(function () { $().ready(function () { $sidebar = $('.sidebar'); $sidebar_img_container = $sidebar.find('.sidebar-background'); $full_page = $('.full-page'); $sidebar_responsive = $('body > .navbar-collapse'); window_width = $(window).width(); fixed_plugin_open = $('.sidebar .sidebar-wrapper .nav li.active a p').html(); if (window_width > 767 && fixed_plugin_open == 'Dashboard') { if ($('.fixed-plugin .dropdown').hasClass('show-dropdown')) { $('.fixed-plugin .dropdown').addClass('open'); } } $('.fixed-plugin a').click(function (event) { // Alex if we click on switch, stop propagation of the event, so the dropdown will not be hide, otherwise we set the section active if ($(this).hasClass('switch-trigger')) { if (event.stopPropagation) { event.stopPropagation(); } else if (window.event) { window.event.cancelBubble = true; } } }); $('.fixed-plugin .active-color span').click(function () { $full_page_background = $('.full-page-background'); $(this).siblings().removeClass('active'); $(this).addClass('active'); var new_color = $(this).data('color'); if ($sidebar.length != 0) { $sidebar.attr('data-color', new_color); } if ($full_page.length != 0) { $full_page.attr('filter-color', new_color); } if ($sidebar_responsive.length != 0) { $sidebar_responsive.attr('data-color', new_color); } }); $('.fixed-plugin .background-color .badge').click(function () { $(this).siblings().removeClass('active'); $(this).addClass('active'); var new_color = $(this).data('background-color'); if ($sidebar.length != 0) { $sidebar.attr('data-background-color', new_color); } }); $('.fixed-plugin .img-holder').click(function () { $full_page_background = $('.full-page-background'); $(this).parent('li').siblings().removeClass('active'); $(this).parent('li').addClass('active'); var new_image = $(this).find("img").attr('src'); if ($sidebar_img_container.length != 0 && $('.switch-sidebar-image input:checked').length != 0) { $sidebar_img_container.fadeOut('fast', function () { $sidebar_img_container.css('background-image', 'url("' + new_image + '")'); $sidebar_img_container.fadeIn('fast'); }); } if ($full_page_background.length != 0 && $('.switch-sidebar-image input:checked').length != 0) { var new_image_full_page = $('.fixed-plugin li.active .img-holder').find('img').data('src'); $full_page_background.fadeOut('fast', function () { $full_page_background.css('background-image', 'url("' + new_image_full_page + '")'); $full_page_background.fadeIn('fast'); }); } if ($('.switch-sidebar-image input:checked').length == 0) { var new_image = $('.fixed-plugin li.active .img-holder').find("img").attr('src'); var new_image_full_page = $('.fixed-plugin li.active .img-holder').find('img').data('src'); $sidebar_img_container.css('background-image', 'url("' + new_image + '")'); $full_page_background.css('background-image', 'url("' + new_image_full_page + '")'); } if ($sidebar_responsive.length != 0) { $sidebar_responsive.css('background-image', 'url("' + new_image + '")'); } }); $('.switch-sidebar-image input').change(function () { $full_page_background = $('.full-page-background'); $input = $(this); if ($input.is(':checked')) { if ($sidebar_img_container.length != 0) { $sidebar_img_container.fadeIn('fast'); $sidebar.attr('data-image', '#'); } if ($full_page_background.length != 0) { $full_page_background.fadeIn('fast'); $full_page.attr('data-image', '#'); } background_image = true; } else { if ($sidebar_img_container.length != 0) { $sidebar.removeAttr('data-image'); $sidebar_img_container.fadeOut('fast'); } if ($full_page_background.length != 0) { $full_page.removeAttr('data-image', '#'); $full_page_background.fadeOut('fast'); } background_image = false; } }); $('.switch-sidebar-mini input').change(function () { $body = $('body'); $input = $(this); if (md.misc.sidebar_mini_active == true) { $('body').removeClass('sidebar-mini'); md.misc.sidebar_mini_active = false; $('.sidebar .sidebar-wrapper, .main-panel').perfectScrollbar(); } else { $('.sidebar .sidebar-wrapper, .main-panel').perfectScrollbar('destroy'); setTimeout(function () { $('body').addClass('sidebar-mini'); md.misc.sidebar_mini_active = true; }, 300); } // we simulate the window Resize so the charts will get updated in realtime. var simulateWindowResize = setInterval(function () { window.dispatchEvent(new Event('resize')); }, 180); // we stop the simulation of Window Resize after the animations are completed setTimeout(function () { clearInterval(simulateWindowResize); }, 1000); }); }); }); </script>]]>