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44 <![CDATA[<div id="diretorioOpenCMS" style="display: none">/system/modules/br.gov.bndes.amz/</div>]]>
51 <![CDATA[<form action="/en/search-page/" style='display: inline-block' method='get'> <label for="searchfield"><span class="icon-search"></span><input type="text" name="q" placeholder="Search for:" id="searchfield" onblur="this.value =''" /></label> </form>]]>
145 <![CDATA[<div class="wrapper" style="position: relative"> <h1 class="logo"> <a id="baseurl" href="/en/index.html"> <img src="/export/system/modules/br.gov.bndes.amz/resources/images/ID_FundaAmazonia_EN.png" /> <span>Amazon Fund</span> </a> </h1> <div class="header-quote">Brazil protects it. The world supports it. Everybody wins.</div> </div>]]>
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170 <![CDATA[<header style="margin-bottom:32px;"> <div class="breadcrumb"><a href="en/comunicacao/noticias">News</a></div> <h2>With R$ 45 mi, the Amazon Fund supports a project to manage indigenous lands and conservation units</h2> <p></p> <div class="share"> <a class="facebook" href="https://www.facebook.com/sharer/sharer.php?app_id=188925735042261&kid_directed_site=0&sdk=joey&display=popup&ref=plugin&src=share_button&u=" target="_blank"><span></span></a> <a class="twitter" href="https://twitter.com/share?text=With R$ 45 mi, the Amazon Fund supports a project to manage indigenous lands and conservation units" target="_blank"><span></span></a> <a class="whatsapp" href="whatsapp://send?text=With R$ 45 mi, the Amazon Fund supports a project to manage indigenous lands and conservation units%20" data-action="share/whatsapp/share"><span></span></a> </div> </header>]]>
181 <![CDATA[<div class="row" style="margin-left:0px;"> <div class="main-content col-12-md-7 col-12-lg-7"> <div id="detalhe_noticia" ><div class="margin-bottom-30"> <div class="headline"> </div> <div class="row"> <div ><p>The Brazilian Development Bank (BNDES) approved a financial support of R$ 45 million of the Amazon Fund to conduct a public call for projects and complementary actions that promote the strengthening and consolidation of the management of 83 protected areas of the Brazilian Amazon, as well as to develop sustainable alternatives of production for the population of these territories. ;</p> <p>BNDES’s resources will be allocated to manage the initiative and to the public call, its central axis, which will select up to 12 projects in an area with about 80 million hectares comprising 41 indigenous lands and 42 conservation units. This area will be divided into six regional blocks (Xingu, Calha Norte, Alto Rio Negro, Baixo Rio Negro, Madeira and Rondônia/Purus), and up to two projects of each block will receive between R$ 1.5 million and R$ 6 million to implement actions that help to consolidate their protected areas. ;</p> <p>LIRA — Denominated LIRA – Integrated Legacy of the Amazon Region, the initiative was idealized by the IPÊ – Institute of Ecological Research, a Brazilian organization with more than 26 years of experience in the conservation of biodiversity in the country through science, education and sustainable businesses with communities. The project will also feature the support of R$ 16.35 million by the Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation, totaling R$ 61.35 million. ;</p> <p>The supported projects should contemplate the following lines of actions: (i) Territorial and Environmental Management Plan (PGTA) or of management; (ii) governance mechanisms; (iii) sustainable use of natural resources; (iv) monitoring and protection systems; (v) integration with regional development; and (iv) financial sustainability. ;</p> <p>The public call predicts that the proposing institutions (civil associations, foundations of private law, cooperatives, among others) coordinate subprojects with other entities in an integrated manner to contribute to the objective of the initiative. ;</p> <p>Complementary actions – The LIRA project also provides a support of up to R$ 6 million (up to R$ 150,000 for each action) for actions complementary to the selected projects in the public call that promote social participation in the territory management. With this, generation of employment opportunities, improvement of the quality of life of the local population, and promotion of territorial development together with environmental conservation are expected to expand. ;</p> <p>The initiative will also include training (courses, technical visits and exchanges), integration and actions of knowledge diffusion, and the elaboration of a “Socioenvironmental Promotion Plan” (PPS) for each of the six blocks. These plans will identify the main opportunities and obstacles for economic inclusion of local populations in the regional economy. Finally, adaptations of existing technological solutions will be supported for use in actions to monitor biodiversity and territorial protection.</p></div> </div> </div> </div></div> <aside class="hide-print col-12-md-4 col-12-md-offset-1 col-12-lg-4 col-12-lg-offset-1"> <p> ;</p> <div class="form-project"> <form action="biblioteca_busca.php"> <div class="main-content"> <h3>search for</h3> <div class="form-project"> <form> <div class="form-project-item"> <label for="atitulo_en">title</label> <input id="atitulo_en" type="text" name="nome" placeholder='title' /> </div> <div class="form-project-item"> <label for="Data_inicio">start date</label> <input id="Data_inicio" type="text" name="nome" placeholder='start date (MM/DD/YYYY)' /> </div> <div class="form-project-item"> <label for="Data_fim">end date</label> <input id="Data_fim" type="text" name="nome" placeholder='end date (MM/DD/YYYY)' /> </div> <div class="form-project-item"> <input class="btn btn-form-project" type="button" value='SEARCH' onclick="buscarNoticia()" /> </div> </form> </div> </div> <script> function buscarNoticia() { var busca_titulo = $( "input#Title_prop" ).val(); var busca_data_inicio = $( "input#Data_inicio" ).val(); var busca_data_fim = $( "input#Data_fim" ).val(); var busca_atitulo = $( "input#atitulo_en" ).val(); //formata a data de inicio recebida if(busca_data_inicio){ if(false) { //01/06/2017 >> dia/mes/ano var data_inicio_split = busca_data_inicio.split("/"); // array [0] = 01 dia, [1]=06 mes, [2]=2017 ano //2017-06-01 busca_data_inicio = data_inicio_split[2]+'-'+data_inicio_split[1]+'-'+data_inicio_split[0]; } else if(true) { //06/01/2017 >> mes/dia/ano var data_inicio_split = busca_data_inicio.split("/"); // array >> [0] = 06 mes, [1]=01 dia, [2]=2017 ano //2017-06-01 busca_data_inicio = data_inicio_split[2]+'-'+data_inicio_split[0]+'-'+data_inicio_split[1]; } var inicio = busca_data_inicio + 'T00:00:00Z'; } //formata a data de fim recebida if(busca_data_fim){ if(false) { //exemplo 01/06/2017 >> dia/mes/ano var data_fim_split = busca_data_fim.split("/"); // array [0] = 01 dia, [1]=06 mes, [2]=2017 ano //2017-06-01 busca_data_fim = data_fim_split[2]+'-'+data_fim_split[1]+'-'+data_fim_split[0]; } else if(true) { //exemplo 06/01/2017 >> mes/dia/ano var data_fim_split = busca_data_fim.split("/"); // array >> [0] = 06 mes, [1]=01 dia, [2]=2017 ano //2017-06-01 busca_data_fim = data_fim_split[2]+'-'+data_fim_split[0]+'-'+data_fim_split[1]; } var fim = busca_data_fim + 'T23:59:00Z'; } //var busca = (busca_titulo ? 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