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Sites Verificados

Lista com todos os sítios que foram verificados pela TIC Web Acessibilidade. Dentro de cada domínio, há informações detalhadas sobre as páginas coletadas, bem como os erros e avisos de cada uma *.

Endereço Nota Erros Avisos


80.48 32 1.819
Recomendações Avaliadas
2.2 Garantir que os objetos programáveis sejam acessíveis.


Número Descrição Quantidade Linhas Código Fonte
2.2.6 Presença do elemento SCRIPT sem o elemento NOSCRIPT 6 29 36 922 929 935 952
29 <![CDATA[<script type='application/ld+json' class='yoast-schema-graph yoast-schema-graph--main'>{"@context":"https://schema.org","@graph":[{"@type":"Organization","@id":"https://www.pm.ce.gov.br/#organization","name":"Pol\u00edcia Militar","url":"https://www.pm.ce.gov.br/","sameAs":[],"logo":{"@type":"ImageObject","@id":"https://www.pm.ce.gov.br/#logo","url":"https://www.pm.ce.gov.br/wp-content/uploads/sites/25/2018/01/PM-SSPDSclara.png","width":559,"height":106,"caption":"Pol\u00edcia Militar"},"image":{"@id":"https://www.pm.ce.gov.br/#logo"}},{"@type":"WebSite","@id":"https://www.pm.ce.gov.br/#website","url":"https://www.pm.ce.gov.br/","name":"Pol\u00edcia Militar","publisher":{"@id":"https://www.pm.ce.gov.br/#organization"},"potentialAction":{"@type":"SearchAction","target":"https://www.pm.ce.gov.br/?s={search_term_string}","query-input":"required name=search_term_string"}},{"@type":"WebPage","@id":"https://www.pm.ce.gov.br/organograma-pmce/#webpage","url":"https://www.pm.ce.gov.br/organograma-pmce/","inLanguage":"pt-BR","name":"ORGANOGRAMA PMCE - Pol\u00edcia Militar","isPartOf":{"@id":"https://www.pm.ce.gov.br/#website"},"datePublished":"2019-03-13T13:29:00+00:00","dateModified":"2019-03-13T13:29:00+00:00"}]}</script>]]>
36 <![CDATA[<script type="text/javascript"> window._wpemojiSettings = {"baseUrl":"https:\/\/s.w.org\/images\/core\/emoji\/11\/72x72\/","ext":".png","svgUrl":"https:\/\/s.w.org\/images\/core\/emoji\/11\/svg\/","svgExt":".svg","source":{"wpemoji":"https:\/\/www.pm.ce.gov.br\/wp-includes\/js\/wp-emoji.js?ver=5.0.10","twemoji":"https:\/\/www.pm.ce.gov.br\/wp-includes\/js\/twemoji.js?ver=5.0.10"}}; ( function( window, document, settings ) { var src, ready, ii, tests; /* * Create a canvas element for testing native browser support * of emoji. */ var canvas = document.createElement( 'canvas' ); var context = canvas.getContext && canvas.getContext( '2d' ); /** * Check if two sets of Emoji characters render the same. * * @param set1 array Set of Emoji characters. * @param set2 array Set of Emoji characters. * @returns {boolean} True if the two sets render the same. */ function emojiSetsRenderIdentically( set1, set2 ) { var stringFromCharCode = String.fromCharCode; // Cleanup from previous test. context.clearRect( 0, 0, canvas.width, canvas.height ); context.fillText( stringFromCharCode.apply( this, set1 ), 0, 0 ); var rendered1 = canvas.toDataURL(); // Cleanup from previous test. context.clearRect( 0, 0, canvas.width, canvas.height ); context.fillText( stringFromCharCode.apply( this, set2 ), 0, 0 ); var rendered2 = canvas.toDataURL(); return rendered1 === rendered2; } /** * Detect if the browser supports rendering emoji or flag emoji. Flag emoji are a single glyph * made of two characters, so some browsers (notably, Firefox OS X) don't support them. * * @since 4.2.0 * * @param type {String} Whether to test for support of "flag" or "emoji". * @return {Boolean} True if the browser can render emoji, false if it cannot. */ function browserSupportsEmoji( type ) { var isIdentical; if ( ! context || ! context.fillText ) { return false; } /* * Chrome on OS X added native emoji rendering in M41. Unfortunately, * it doesn't work when the font is bolder than 500 weight. So, we * check for bold rendering support to avoid invisible emoji in Chrome. */ context.textBaseline = 'top'; context.font = '600 32px Arial'; switch ( type ) { case 'flag': /* * Test for UN flag compatibility. This is the least supported of the letter locale flags, * so gives us an easy test for full support. * * To test for support, we try to render it, and compare the rendering to how it would look if * the browser doesn't render it correctly ([U] + [N]). */ isIdentical = emojiSetsRenderIdentically( [ 55356, 56826, 55356, 56819 ], [ 55356, 56826, 8203, 55356, 56819 ] ); if ( isIdentical ) { return false; } /* * Test for English flag compatibility. England is a country in the United Kingdom, it * does not have a two letter locale code but rather an five letter sub-division code. * * To test for support, we try to render it, and compare the rendering to how it would look if * the browser doesn't render it correctly (black flag emoji + [G] + [B] + [E] + [N] + [G]). */ isIdentical = emojiSetsRenderIdentically( [ 55356, 57332, 56128, 56423, 56128, 56418, 56128, 56421, 56128, 56430, 56128, 56423, 56128, 56447 ], [ 55356, 57332, 8203, 56128, 56423, 8203, 56128, 56418, 8203, 56128, 56421, 8203, 56128, 56430, 8203, 56128, 56423, 8203, 56128, 56447 ] ); return ! isIdentical; case 'emoji': /* * She's the hero Emoji deserves, but not the one it needs right now. * * To test for support, try to render a new emoji (female superhero), * then compare it to how it would look if the browser doesn't render it correctly * (superhero + female sign). */ isIdentical = emojiSetsRenderIdentically( [55358, 56760, 9792, 65039], [55358, 56760, 8203, 9792, 65039] ); return ! isIdentical; } return false; } function addScript( src ) { var script = document.createElement( 'script' ); script.src = src; script.defer = script.type = 'text/javascript'; document.getElementsByTagName( 'head' )[0].appendChild( script ); } tests = Array( 'flag', 'emoji' ); settings.supports = { everything: true, everythingExceptFlag: true }; for( ii = 0; ii < tests.length; ii++ ) { settings.supports[ tests[ ii ] ] = browserSupportsEmoji( tests[ ii ] ); settings.supports.everything = settings.supports.everything && settings.supports[ tests[ ii ] ]; if ( 'flag' !== tests[ ii ] ) { settings.supports.everythingExceptFlag = settings.supports.everythingExceptFlag && settings.supports[ tests[ ii ] ]; } } settings.supports.everythingExceptFlag = settings.supports.everythingExceptFlag && ! settings.supports.flag; settings.DOMReady = false; settings.readyCallback = function() { settings.DOMReady = true; }; if ( ! settings.supports.everything ) { ready = function() { settings.readyCallback(); }; if ( document.addEventListener ) { document.addEventListener( 'DOMContentLoaded', ready, false ); window.addEventListener( 'load', ready, false ); } else { window.attachEvent( 'onload', ready ); document.attachEvent( 'onreadystatechange', function() { if ( 'complete' === document.readyState ) { settings.readyCallback(); } } ); } src = settings.source || {}; if ( src.concatemoji ) { addScript( src.concatemoji ); } else if ( src.wpemoji && src.twemoji ) { addScript( src.twemoji ); addScript( src.wpemoji ); } } } )( window, document, window._wpemojiSettings ); </script>]]>
922 <![CDATA[<script type='text/javascript'> /* <![CDATA[ */ var wpcf7 = {"apiSettings":{"root":"https:\/\/www.pm.ce.gov.br\/wp-json\/contact-form-7\/v1","namespace":"contact-form-7\/v1"},"cached":"1"}; /* ]]> */ </script>]]>
929 <![CDATA[<script type='text/javascript'> /* <![CDATA[ */ var solrInformation = {"solrPath":"http:\/\/www.ceara.gov.br\/solr\/ceara","parameterSearch":"","postsPerPage":"10","order":"0","stopwords":["do","da","de","dos","das","um","uma","uns","umas","por","para","pelo","pela"]}; /* ]]> */ </script>]]>
935 <![CDATA[<script type='text/javascript'> /* <![CDATA[ */ var thickboxL10n = {"next":"Pr\u00f3ximo \u00bb","prev":"\u00ab Anterior","image":"Imagem","of":"de","close":"Fechar","noiframes":"Este recurso necessita frames em linha. Os iframes est\u00e3o desativados por voc\u00ea ou seu navegador n\u00e3o os suporta.","loadingAnimation":"https:\/\/www.pm.ce.gov.br\/wp-includes\/js\/thickbox\/loadingAnimation.gif"}; /* ]]> */ </script>]]>
952 <![CDATA[<script> (function(i,s,o,g,r,a,m){i['GoogleAnalyticsObject']=r;i[r]=i[r]||function(){ (i[r].q=i[r].q||[]).push(arguments)},i[r].l=1*new Date();a=s.createElement(o), m=s.getElementsByTagName(o)[0];a.async=1;a.src=g;m.parentNode.insertBefore(a,m) })(window,document,'script','https://www.google-analytics.com/analytics.js','ga'); ga('create', 'UA-90875852-13', 'auto'); ga('send', 'pageview'); jQuery( '.site-filho .menu .current-menu-ancestor' ).addClass( 'current-menu-item' ); if(navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase().indexOf('firefox')> 0){jQuery("main section:nth-child(2)").css("padding-top","0");jQuery(".site-filho .MenuPages").css({"margin-top":"0","top": "-28px"})} </script>]]>