| <![CDATA[<script type="text/javascript">
address: 'R. Danemann, São Félix, Bahia, Brasil',
maptype: 'ROADMAP',
zoom: 14,
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address: 'R. Danemann, São Félix, Bahia, Brasil',
html: '<div style="width: 300px;"><h4 style="margin-bottom: 8px;">Hi, we\'re <span>Envato</span></h4><p class="nobottommargin">Our mission is to help people to <strong>earn</strong> and to <strong>learn</strong> online. We operate <strong>marketplaces</strong> where hundreds of thousands of people buy and sell digital goods every day, and a network of educational blogs where millions learn <strong>creative skills</strong>.</p></div>',
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panControl: true,
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