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6.2.1 Campo sem label associado 1 493
493 <![CDATA[<textarea style="width: 90%; height: 18em;" wrap="off">Database Error Notification Invalid SQL: SELECT * FROM `bolsafamilia.pb.gov.br`.estabelecimentos_covid19_v1_18032020 WHERE municipio like 'M?E D'?GUA' AND uf = 'PB' Error: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near '?GUA' AND uf = 'PB'' at line 1 Error number: 1064 Date: 'Saturday 23rd of September 2023 08:25:08 AM Filename: https://maedagua.pb.gov.br//index.php URI (cleaned): https://maedagua.pb.gov.br/ </textarea>]]>