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258 <![CDATA[<li class="itemCurrentRating" id="itemCurrentRating438" style="width:0%;"></li>]]>
281 <![CDATA[<img src="/media/k2/items/cache/2ec788b5d2483f73e1f9efd1de8baaf4_M.jpg" alt="TORNEIO DE F&Eacute;RIAS DE FUTSAL REUNE DEZ EQUIPES DE IBI&Aacute; E REGI&Atilde;O" style="width:450px; height:auto;" />]]>
293 <![CDATA[<p style="text-align: justify;">            A edição do Torneio de Férias de Futsal de 2018 iniciou nesta segunda-feira, dia 08 de janeiro, no Poliesportivo Jiboião, com a participação de dez equipes de Ibiá e região.</p>]]>
294 <![CDATA[<p style="text-align: justify;">            Os primeiros jogos foram: SAAE X Barber Brothers e J400 (Calçados Duarte) X Área Vip. As equipes do SAAE e J400 (Calçados Duarte) foram às vencedoras. Um público bastante expressivo lotou as arquibancadas do Poliesportivo, que vibrou com cada lance das emocionantes partidas.</p>]]>
295 <![CDATA[<p style="text-align: justify;">            Este ano dez equipes estão participando, sendo oito de Ibiá e duas de Pratinha e Campos Altos. São elas: SAAE, Barber Brothers, J400 (Calçados Duarte), Área Vip, Safadões da Balada (Pratinha), Clic Ibiá Jr., Clic Ibiá (WS), Sparta, Bairro Maroca e GC/KZ Suplementos.</p>]]>
296 <![CDATA[<p style="text-align: justify;">            A fase classificatória iniciou no dia 08 e termina no dia 19 de Janeiro, quando todas as equipes jogam entre si e oito equipes vão para as quartas de final. E depois semifinal e a final, que acontece no dia 02 de fevereiro.</p>]]>
297 <![CDATA[<p style="text-align: justify;">            Os jogos são realizados de segunda à sexta-feira, a partir das 19h30, no Poliesportivo Jiboião.</p>]]>
298 <![CDATA[<p style="text-align: justify;">            Após alguns anos sem acontecer, este Torneio de Férias foi resgatado pela atual Administração no ano passado e agora já está em sua terceira edição. Este ano o torneio está sendo realizado pela Prefeitura Municipal de Ibiá em parceria com a LIF -  Ibiaense de Futebol.</p>]]>
299 <![CDATA[<p style="text-align: justify;">           </p>]]>
300 <![CDATA[<p style="text-align: justify;"><strong>        </strong></p>]]>
372 <![CDATA[<a href="/media/k2/galleries/438/DSC08893%20Small.JPG" class="sigProLink fancybox-button" style="width:200px;height:160px;" rel="fancybox-button[gallery7fde9a4f9f]" title="<br /><a class=&quot;sigProDownloadLink&quot; href=&quot;/plugins/content/jw_sigpro/jw_sigpro/includes/download.php?file=media/k2/galleries/438/DSC08893%20Small.JPG&quot; download>Download this image</a>" data-fresco-caption="<br /><a class=&quot;sigProDownloadLink&quot; href=&quot;/plugins/content/jw_sigpro/jw_sigpro/includes/download.php?file=media/k2/galleries/438/DSC08893%20Small.JPG&quot; download>Download this image</a>" target="_blank"> <img class="sigProImg" src="/plugins/content/jw_sigpro/jw_sigpro/includes/images/transparent.gif" alt="Click to enlarge image DSC08893 Small.JPG" title="Click to enlarge image DSC08893 Small.JPG" style="width:200px;height:160px;background-image:url('/cache/jw_sigpro/jwsigpro_cache_7fde9a4f9f_dsc08893_small.jpg');" /> </a>]]>
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399 <![CDATA[<a href="/media/k2/galleries/438/DSC08899%20Small.JPG" class="sigProLink fancybox-button" style="width:200px;height:160px;" rel="fancybox-button[gallery7fde9a4f9f]" title="<br /><a class=&quot;sigProDownloadLink&quot; href=&quot;/plugins/content/jw_sigpro/jw_sigpro/includes/download.php?file=media/k2/galleries/438/DSC08899%20Small.JPG&quot; download>Download this image</a>" data-fresco-caption="<br /><a class=&quot;sigProDownloadLink&quot; href=&quot;/plugins/content/jw_sigpro/jw_sigpro/includes/download.php?file=media/k2/galleries/438/DSC08899%20Small.JPG&quot; download>Download this image</a>" target="_blank"> <img class="sigProImg" src="/plugins/content/jw_sigpro/jw_sigpro/includes/images/transparent.gif" alt="Click to enlarge image DSC08899 Small.JPG" title="Click to enlarge image DSC08899 Small.JPG" style="width:200px;height:160px;background-image:url('/cache/jw_sigpro/jwsigpro_cache_7fde9a4f9f_dsc08899_small.jpg');" /> </a>]]>
400 <![CDATA[<img class="sigProImg" src="/plugins/content/jw_sigpro/jw_sigpro/includes/images/transparent.gif" alt="Click to enlarge image DSC08899 Small.JPG" title="Click to enlarge image DSC08899 Small.JPG" style="width:200px;height:160px;background-image:url('/cache/jw_sigpro/jwsigpro_cache_7fde9a4f9f_dsc08899_small.jpg');" />]]>
408 <![CDATA[<a href="/media/k2/galleries/438/DSC08905%20Small.JPG" class="sigProLink fancybox-button" style="width:200px;height:160px;" rel="fancybox-button[gallery7fde9a4f9f]" title="<br /><a class=&quot;sigProDownloadLink&quot; href=&quot;/plugins/content/jw_sigpro/jw_sigpro/includes/download.php?file=media/k2/galleries/438/DSC08905%20Small.JPG&quot; download>Download this image</a>" data-fresco-caption="<br /><a class=&quot;sigProDownloadLink&quot; href=&quot;/plugins/content/jw_sigpro/jw_sigpro/includes/download.php?file=media/k2/galleries/438/DSC08905%20Small.JPG&quot; download>Download this image</a>" target="_blank"> <img class="sigProImg" src="/plugins/content/jw_sigpro/jw_sigpro/includes/images/transparent.gif" alt="Click to enlarge image DSC08905 Small.JPG" title="Click to enlarge image DSC08905 Small.JPG" style="width:200px;height:160px;background-image:url('/cache/jw_sigpro/jwsigpro_cache_7fde9a4f9f_dsc08905_small.jpg');" /> </a>]]>
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417 <![CDATA[<a href="/media/k2/galleries/438/DSC08923%20Small.JPG" class="sigProLink fancybox-button" style="width:200px;height:160px;" rel="fancybox-button[gallery7fde9a4f9f]" title="<br /><a class=&quot;sigProDownloadLink&quot; href=&quot;/plugins/content/jw_sigpro/jw_sigpro/includes/download.php?file=media/k2/galleries/438/DSC08923%20Small.JPG&quot; download>Download this image</a>" data-fresco-caption="<br /><a class=&quot;sigProDownloadLink&quot; href=&quot;/plugins/content/jw_sigpro/jw_sigpro/includes/download.php?file=media/k2/galleries/438/DSC08923%20Small.JPG&quot; download>Download this image</a>" target="_blank"> <img class="sigProImg" src="/plugins/content/jw_sigpro/jw_sigpro/includes/images/transparent.gif" alt="Click to enlarge image DSC08923 Small.JPG" title="Click to enlarge image DSC08923 Small.JPG" style="width:200px;height:160px;background-image:url('/cache/jw_sigpro/jwsigpro_cache_7fde9a4f9f_dsc08923_small.jpg');" /> </a>]]>
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