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2.2 Garantir que os objetos programáveis sejam acessíveis.


Número Descrição Quantidade Linhas Código Fonte
2.2.6 Presença do elemento SCRIPT sem o elemento NOSCRIPT 5 102 297 310 322 383
102 <![CDATA[<script> /* When the user clicks on the button, toggle between hiding and showing the dropdown content */ function myFunction() { document.getElementById("acessibilidade-myDropdown").classList.toggle("acessibilidade-show"); } // Close the dropdown if the user clicks outside of it window.onclick = function (event) { if (!event.target.matches('.acessibilidade-dropbtn')) { var dropdowns = document.getElementsByClassName("acessibilidade-dropdown-content"); var i; for (i = 0; i < dropdowns.length; i++) { var openDropdown = dropdowns[i]; if (openDropdown.classList.contains('acessibilidade-show')) { openDropdown.classList.remove('acessibilidade-show'); } } } } </script>]]>
297 <![CDATA[<script> $('.menu-mob').click(function (e) { e.preventDefault(); $('.dropdown-menu').fadeIn(); }); $('.menu-mob-close').click(function (e) { e.preventDefault(); $('.dropdown-menu').fadeOut(); }); </script>]]>
310 <![CDATA[<script> $('.btn-saiba-mais').click(function () { $('.box-acesso-informacao').fadeToggle(); $('.box-acesso-informacao').css('display', 'flex'); $('.box-acesso').fadeToggle(1); }); $('.close-secretario').click(function () { $('.box-acesso-informacao').fadeToggle(1); $('.box-acesso').fadeToggle(); }); </script>]]>
322 <![CDATA[<script> // SLIDER PRINCIPAL var swiper = new Swiper('.s1', { direction: 'horizontal', pagination: { el: '.swiper-pagination', clickable: true, }, autoplay: { delay: 3000, disableOnInteraction: false, }, }); // ESTRUTURA var swiper = new Swiper('.s2', { slidesPerView: 3, spaceBetween: 10, slidesPerGroup: 1, loop: true, loopFillGroupWithBlank: true, pagination: { el: '.swiper-pagination .s2', clickable: true, }, navigation: { nextEl: '.swiper-button-next', prevEl: '.swiper-button-prev', }, }); // VAMOS VIRAR O JOGO var swiper = new Swiper('.s3', { direction: 'horizontal', pagination: { el: '.swiper-pagination', clickable: true, }, autoplay: { delay: 3000, disableOnInteraction: false, }, }); // SERVI�OS var swiper = new Swiper('.s4', { slidesPerView: 3, spaceBetween: 10, slidesPerGroup: 1, loop: true, loopFillGroupWithBlank: true, pagination: { el: '.swiper-pagination .s4', clickable: true, }, navigation: { nextEl: '.swiper-button-next-s4', prevEl: '.swiper-button-prev-s4', }, }); </script>]]>
383 <![CDATA[<script type="text/javascript"> /*Scroll to top when arrow up clicked BEGIN*/ $(window).scroll(function () { var height = $(window).scrollTop(); if (height > 100) { $('#back2Top').fadeIn(); } else { $('#back2Top').fadeOut(); } }); $(document).ready(function () { $("#back2Top").click(function (event) { event.preventDefault(); $("html, body").animate({ scrollTop: 0 }, "slow"); return false; }); }); /*Scroll to top when arrow up clicked END*/ /*Scroll to top when arrow up clicked BEGIN*/ $(window).scroll(function () { var height = $(window).scrollTop(); if (height > 100) { $('#voltaTopo').fadeIn(); } else { $('#voltaTopo').fadeOut(); } }); $(document).ready(function () { $("#voltaTopo").click(function (event) { event.preventDefault(); $("html, body").animate({ scrollTop: 0 }, "slow"); return false; }); // $('.overlayer').before("<img src='./imagens/img-pause.png' width='32' height='32' class='cover'>"); $(".play").click(function () { $('#atl-player img').remove(); if ($('#player_html5').get(0).paused) { $('#player_html5').get(0).volume = 1.0; $('#player_html5').get(0).play(); $('.overlayer').before("<img src='./imagens/img-pause.png' width='16' height='16' class='cover'>"); console.log('play'); } else { console.log('pause'); $('#player_html5').get(0).pause(); $('.overlayer').before("<img src='./imagens/img-play.png' width='16' height='16' class='cover'>"); } }) }); var size = 1.0; var sizePainel = 2; var noticiasH1 = 1.5; var noticiasH4 = 0.8; var vamosvirarojogoh1 = 16.0; var vamosvirarojogospan = 1.0; var telefonesuteis = 0.9; var footerh1 = 1.5; var footerspan = 0.8; var sectioncontainer = 1.0; $("#tamanhofonte").click(function () { var increase = 0.1; if (size < 1.5) { size += increase; sizePainel += increase; noticiasH1 += increase; noticiasH4 += increase; vamosvirarojogoh1 += increase; telefonesuteis += increase; footerh1 += increase; footerspan += increase; vamosvirarojogospan += increase; sectioncontainer += increase; } else { size = 1.0; sizePainel = 2; titlesliderh1 = 1.5; noticiasH1 = 1.5; noticiasH4 = 0.8; telefonesuteis = 0.9; footerh1 = 1.5; footerspan = 0.8; vamosvirarojogoh1 = 16.0; vamosvirarojogospan = 1.0; sectioncontainer = 1.0; } $(".section-container").css('font-size', sectioncontainer + 'em'); $("section").css('font-size', size + 'em'); $(".desc-title-slider span").css('font-size', sizePainel + 'em'); $(".title-slider h1").css('font-size', size + 'em'); $("section h1").css('font-size', noticiasH1 + 'em'); $("section h4").css('font-size', noticiasH4 + 'em'); $("section .desc-slider2-conteudo h1").css('font-size', vamosvirarojogoh1 + 'em'); $("section .desc-slider2-texto span").css('font-size', vamosvirarojogospan + 'em'); $("section .telefones-uteis-wrap").css('font-size', telefonesuteis + 'em'); $(".footer h1").css('font-size', footerh1 + 'em'); $(".footer span").css('font-size', footerspan + 'em'); }); $("#contraste").click(function (e) { e.preventDefault(); $(".menu, body, .footer").stop().toggleClass("bgContrast"); }); $(function ($) { if (typeof ($.datepicker) != "undefined") { $.datepicker.setDefaults( jQuery.extend($.datepicker.regional['pt-BR'], { dateFormat: 'dd/mm/yy' })); } }); function fonte(e) { var elemento = $(".acessibilidadeFonte"); var fonte = elemento.css('font-size'); if (e == 'a') { elemento.css("fontSize", parseInt(fonte) + 1); } else if ('d') { elemento.css("fontSize", parseInt(fonte) - 1); } } </script>]]>