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Recomendações Avaliadas
2.2 Garantir que os objetos programáveis sejam acessíveis.


Número Descrição Quantidade Linhas Código Fonte
2.2.6 Presença do elemento SCRIPT sem o elemento NOSCRIPT 8 754 1624 1630 1692 1736 1771 1941 2044
754 <![CDATA[<script> function conta_favorito() { $.ajax({ type: "POST", url: "favorito_atualiza.php", async: true, data: { id_conteudo: 2057 }, dataType: 'html', success: function (data) { console.log('total_favorito'); console.log(data); document.getElementById('total_favorito').innerHTML = data; }, error: function (err) { console.log(err); } }); } function busca_lat_lng() { $lng = null; $lat = null; if (!('geolocation' in navigator)) { alert("Navegador não tem suporte API Geolocation"); } else { navigator.geolocation.getCurrentPosition(function (posicao) { $lat = posicao.coords.latitude; $lng = posicao.coords.longitude; $('#lat').val($lat); $('#lng').val($lng); sendform_favorito(); //favoritar.js }); } } conta_favorito(); //entrada carregando contagem </script>]]>
1624 <![CDATA[<script> $(function() { $('audio').audioPlayer(); }); </script>]]>
1630 <![CDATA[<script> /* var colors = [['#fa985d', '#ffffff']], circles = []; var child = document.getElementById('circles-4'); circles.push(Circles.create({ id: child.id, value: 8, radius: 19, width: 3, maxValue: 10, duration: 1000, text: function (value) { return value; }, colors: ['#fa985d', '#ffffff'] })); var child = document.getElementById('circles-5'); circles.push(Circles.create({ id: child.id, value: 7.7, radius: 19, width: 3, maxValue: 10, duration: 1000, text: function (value) { return value; }, colors: ['#fa985d', '#ffffff'] })); var child = document.getElementById('circles-6'); circles.push(Circles.create({ id: child.id, value: 9.2, radius: 19, width: 3, maxValue: 10, duration: 1000, text: function (value) { return value; }, colors: ['#fa985d', '#ffffff'] })); var child = document.getElementById('circles-1'); circles.push(Circles.create({ id: child.id, value: 6.5, radius: 19, width: 3, maxValue: 10, duration: 1000, text: function (value) { return value; }, colors: ['#fa985d', '#ffffff'] })); */ </script>]]>
1692 <![CDATA[<script> //galeria noticia_detalhe // flexslider-2 // The slider being synced must be initialized first $('#carousel').flexslider({ animation: "slide", controlNav: false, directionNav: false, animationLoop: false, slideshow: false, prevText: '', nextText: '', itemWidth: 100, asNavFor: '#slider' }); $('#slider').flexslider({ animation: "slide", controlNav: false, animationLoop: false, animationSpeed: 1000, prevText: '', nextText: '', slideshow: false, sync: "#carousel" }); </script>]]>
1736 <![CDATA[<script> function wrapper_container(cor) { $('#wrapper_container').css({ background: cor }); } function h_top_part(cor) { $('#h_top_part').css({ background: cor }); } function h_bot_part(cor) { $('#h_bot_part').css({ background: cor }); } function footer_middle_part(cor) { $('#footer_middle_part').css({ background: cor }); } function footer_bottom_part(cor) { $('#footer_bottom_part').css({ background: cor }); } </script>]]>
1771 <![CDATA[<script> new window.VLibras.Widget('https://vlibras.gov.br/app'); </script>]]>
1941 <![CDATA[<script> $(".ba-we-love-subscribers-fab").click(function () { $('.ba-we-love-subscribers-fab .wrap').toggleClass("ani"); $('.ba-we-love-subscribers').toggleClass("open"); $('.img-fab.img').toggleClass("close"); }); </script>]]>
2044 <![CDATA[<script> (function() { var Contrast = { storage: 'contrastState', cssClass: 'contrast', currentState: null, check: checkContrast, getState: getContrastState, setState: setContrastState, toogle: toogleContrast, updateView: updateViewContrast }; window.toggleContrast = function() { Contrast.toogle(); }; Contrast.check(); function checkContrast() { this.updateView(); } function getContrastState() { return localStorage.getItem(this.storage) === 'true'; } function setContrastState(state) { localStorage.setItem(this.storage, '' + state); this.currentState = state; this.updateView(); } function updateViewContrast() { var body = document.body; //var link_acess = document.getElementById("link_acess"); if (this.currentState === null) this.currentState = this.getState(); if (this.currentState) { //adriano mexi 10/11 body.classList.add(this.cssClass); // link_acess.style.display = "block"; // link_acess.style.padding = "7px 15px;"; // link_acess.style.background = "#f2f2f2"; // link_acess.style.color = "#212428;" } else { //adriano mexi body.classList.remove(this.cssClass); //link_acess.classList.remove("link_acess"); } } function toogleContrast() { this.setState(!this.currentState); } })(); function fonte(e) { var elemento = $(".acessibilidade"); var fonte = parseInt(elemento.css('font-size')); var body = $("body"); const fonteNormal = parseInt(body.css('font-size')); if (e == 'a') { fonte++; } if (e == 'd') { fonte--; } if (e == 'n') { fonte = fonteNormal; } elemento.css("fontSize", fonte); } </script>]]>